BHB Statistics | Bermuda Hospitals Board


King Edward VII Memorial Hospital

KEMH Performance Data Snapshot November 2024

KEMH Performance Data Snapshot October 2024

KEMH Performance Data Snapshot September 2024

APRIL 2019
– MARCH 2020
APRIL 2020
– MARCH 2021
APRIL 2021
– MARCH 2022
APRIL 2022
– MARCH 2023


Beds (at 31 March) 97 98 98 98
Patient Days 14,972 13,838 14,770 15,430
Discharges (incl. deaths) 2,166 1,806 1,809 1,829
Length of Stay 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.2
Births 542 527 477 475
Percentage of Occupancy 42% 39% 41% 43%


Beds (at 31 March) 90 90 90 90
Patient Days 30,947 30,833 31,454 31,497
Discharges (incl. deaths) 3,785 3,113 3,254 3,285
Length of Stay 7.5 8.3 8.5 8.5
Percentage of Occupancy 94% 94% 96% 96%


Beds (at 31 March) 105 105 113 113
Patient Days 37,383 36,219 36,002 37,572
Discharges (incl. deaths) 72 55 70 162
Length of Stay 352.7 441.7 339.6 208.73
Percentage of Occupancy 97% 95% 87% 91%


Beds (at 31 March) 8 8 8 8
Patient Days 1,507 1,458 1,431 1,663
Discharges (incl. deaths) 60 39 77 90
Length of Stay 25.1 36.5 18.6 18.2
Percentage of Occupancy 52% 50% 49% 57%


Emergency Dept. Visits – KEMH 30,847 21,830 23,357 30,137
Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre Visits 4,826 1,985 2,690 1,857
Operations (Inpatients & SDA) 1,410 1,393 1,293 8,170
Operations (Outpatients) 6,191 4,607 4,753
X-Ray (exams) (In & Out) 32,513 24,520 23,909 21,833
Laboratory (Thousand Units) (In & Out) 3,434,440 3,072,005 3,509,081 TBA*
Cardiac Investigations (ECG & EEG) (In & Out) 11,547 9,490 9,560 12,501
Ultrasound Exams (In & Out) 5,685 5,305 5,269 4,646
Nuclear Medicine (In & Out) 1,148 1,069 1,258 TBA*
Chemotherapy Treatments (Outpatients) 3,943 3,984 3,945 TBA*
Cat Scans (In & Out) 14,962 15,050 15,216 9,508
MRI Scans (In & Out) 4,378 3,539 3,779 3,208
Hyperbarics Patients 16 4 12 8
Hyperbarics Treatments 119 19 89 87
Wound Care Patients 1,994 1,485 1,571 1,782
Wound Care Treatments 5,913 4,490 4,223 4,894
Rehab Day Hospital – New Patients 229 185 217 107
Rehab Day Hospital – # of Clients 1,298 516 630 410
Rehab Day Hospital – # of Discharges 225 69 131 56
Home Care Visits 3,949 2,704 3,052 TBA*
Blood Donations 1,751 1,816 2,001 1,982
*This data is not yet available.


Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute

APRIL 2019
– MARCH 2020
APRIL 2020
– MARCH 2021
APRIL 2021
– MARCH 2022
APRIL 2022
– MARCH 2023


Beds (at 31 March) 23 23 23 23
Discharges (including deaths) 259 266 213 249
Length of Stay 17 13.7 18.6 29.4
Admissions 258 255 225 234
Percentage of Occupancy 81% 78% 77% 87%
Patient Days 6,842 6,559 6,460 7,316


Beds (at 31 March) 40 40 40 31*
Discharges (excl. deaths) 10 6 17 53
Patient Days (excl. respite) 14,583 14,273 14,463 14,492
Length of Stay 1,325 1,784 850.7 273.4
Deaths 0 0 0 2
Percentage of Occupancy 100% 98% 99% 97%
Average Length of Stay of Deaths (days) N/A N/A N/A 902.5


Beds (at 31 March) 103** 101**
Percentage of Occupancy 89% 94%


Beds (at 31 March) 8 8 8 7
Discharges 90 66 54 62
Patient Days 1,135 540 705 710
Length of Stay 12 6.7 12.8 11.5
Admissions 89 75 47 55
Percentage of Occupancy 39% 18% 24% 24%


Beds (at 31 March) 4 4 4 4
Discharges 33 11 24 24
Patient Days 481 565 528 395
Length of Stay 15 47 22 16.5
Admissions 32 10 19 26
Percentage of Occupancy 33% 39% 36% 27%

OUTPATIENTS (Child & Adolescent/Mental Health/Substance Abuse/Intellectual Disability)

Total New Admissions / Referrals 379 261 269 214
Total Re-admissions / Referrals 158 106 128 92
Total Follow-up Appointments 6,205 6,778 7,117 6,573
Total Day Patients Visits 9,404 1,150 1,931 2,188
Total Walk-in / Unscheduled Visits 9,357 5,586 3,791 3,660
Total DNA to Scheduled Appointments 1,959 1,104 1,118 1,185
Total Terminations of Pregnancy 11 27 17 12
Total Home Visits 7,114 10,689 9,134 7,847
*Seven patients previously in long-term care transferred to a group home.
**In FY2023, six of the intellectual disability group home beds, included in the total, were reserved for respite care. In FY2022, 10 of the beds were reserved for respite care.



Bermuda Hospitals Board


APRIL 2020
– MARCH 2021
APRIL 2021
– MARCH 2022
APRIL 2022
– MARCH 2023
APRIL 2023
– MARCH 2024

STAFF – KEHM and MWI (full time, part time, casual, locum and temporary)*

Allied Health 97 115 128 121
Assistant Director and Above 25 28 27 26
Biomedical 7 7 7
Clerical/Administrative 104 107 115 131
Emergency Medical Technician 28 31 32 32
Facilities Management 30 26 19 21
Finance 94 96 99 96
Hotel Services 327 326 334 315
Human Resources 30 19 16 28
Imaging Services 58 55 52 55
Information Technology 67 66 40 41
Medical Concierge 3 3 3 3
Nurse – Enrolled 8 9 4 2
Nurse – Management 55 56 54 39
Nurse – Registered 413 391 421 416
Nurse – Specialty Enrolled 1 1 1 2
Nurse – Specialty Registered 41 36 35 35
Nurse Auxiliary 329 322 315 302
Organisational Operations 2 2 2 3
Organisational Development & Strategy 8 10 9
Pathology 47 42 45 32
Pharmacy 32 35 30 34
Physician 119 118 124 176
Public Relations 2 2 3 3
Quality & Safety 7 6 7 11
Sterile Processing 20 20 20 20
TOTAL POSITIONS 1,939 1,927 1,943 1,960
TOTAL EMPLOYEES 1,856 1,841 1,850 1,835
*This data represents all fulltime and part-time, casual, locum and temporary staff positions on the last weekday of each financial year. During the course of the year, numbers fluctuate with employment patterns and changes in service needs. The count on the final weekday of each year gives a close approximation of the number of staff positions on the payroll for that year. The number of positions is different from the number of employees, as some employees perform more than one role. Total employees is also counted on the last weekday of each financial year.