Patient & Family Advisory Council | Bermuda Hospitals Board

Quality and Risk Management Department, 5th Floor, General Wing, KEMH

8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday

Tel: (441) 239-1425 Email:


BHB’s Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) began in January 2019 with a dynamic group of 10 participants sharing their experiences at BHB.

The council is a formal partnership of patient, family member and employee volunteers who serve as advisors, helping to make informed recommendations to the organisation. By sharing their unique experiences and perspectives, advisors make a difference in the care experience of our patients. BHB encourages open and honest discussions and information sharing with PFAC advisors.

We have updated the council’s terms for participation to better accommodate our advisors’ schedules. Ultimately, this will allow a more diverse group of people to contribute to improving patient experiences at BHB.

We welcome applications on a continuing basis, using the application form linked below. We will contact applicants to assess their interest and availability as the need to fill positions arises.

If you would like more information about participating in the PFAC, please contact Yukio Swan at (441) 239-1425 or


About the Patient & Family Advisory Council

Who sits on the council?
The PFAC chairperson and community advisors are patients and family members who have experienced patient care at BHB within the past two years. The Council is supported by a BHB physician, a BHB Executive Team member and staff members, along with administrative support, to ensure the Council is well connected to the work of the organisation. All advisors participate on a voluntary basis.

What are the terms of membership?
Community advisors are asked to participate for a minimum commitment of three months, and are welcome to serve for up to one year. The chairperson is required to make a one-year commitment. Terms are organised with appropriate overlap to ensure consistency of membership.

What are the requirements for participation?
An application process is required for those interested in volunteering on the Council, and applicants will be considered based on personal attributes and their care experience. PFAC advisors must have the following qualities: good communication skills, respectful attitude towards others, ability to interact well with different types of people, and ability to work effectively in partnership with others.

What are the duties and responsibilities of the council?
Advisors assist in the valuable work of providing the patient and family perspective for various projects and work undertaken by BHB, by contributing at PFAC meetings and participating in subcommittee work or other engagement opportunities where possible. Volunteers are asked to serve as advisors, not as advocates: an advisor seeks to inform a process, while an advocate seeks to ensure a particular outcome.

Other duties and responsibilities include:

  • to advise BHB on meeting the needs of patients and families through teamwork with staff
  • to participate as partners in the planning and operations of specific programmes within the mandate of the PFAC
  • to respond to requests for patient/family advisors to participate on committees, taskforces and working groups
  • to provide a forum for patients and families to identify opportunities to improve the quality of care and to participate in quality improvement initiatives at BHB
  • to promote opportunities for collaboration among patients, families and staff at BHB
  • to advance patient engagement and patient-centred care in all services provided by BHB
  • to prepare an annual work plan and PFAC report

How often does the council meet?
The PFAC meets a minimum of four times per year and at the request of the chairperson. Meetings are two hours in length and usually held in the evenings.

What advisory positions are available and how can I apply?
Community roles:

  • chairperson
  • community advisor (7)

If you are interested in applying for one of these roles, please download an application form or email Alternatively, application forms can be collected from the Quality & Risk Management Department on the 5th floor of the KEMH General Wing or from the receptionist in the MWI lobby.