MWI Rehabilitation Services
Community Rehabilitation Service
Ground Floor, MWI
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Tel: (441) 236-3770 ext 3443 or ext 3309
24-hour Mental Health Crisis Line: (441) 239-1111
The Community Rehabilitation Service is designed to help clients who have experienced severe and enduring mental health disorders adapt to community living by enhancing their existing life skills, social skills and coping techniques.
The clinical team advocates for the psychiatrically disabled, with particular emphasis on housing, financial support and social equality, as well as working to reduce stigma and promote acceptance through community education.
Services include:
- community resettlement support
- clinic visits for medication administration and monitoring
- engagements in vocational rehabilitation activities
- assertive outreach
- mental health education
- group and individual therapy
Inpatient Rehabilitation & Continuing Care Services
First Floor, MWI
8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Tel: (441) 236-3770 ext 3242 or 3314 (voicemail)
Devon Lodge is an 18-bed unit that provides structured rehabilitation for clients diagnosed with enduring mental health disorders. The rehabilitation programme supports, assists and educates clients to develop life skills that will enable them to resettle into the community.
Training includes:
- money management and budget planning
- behavioural management and social skills
- self-care, self-medication and domestic skills
- vocational and recreational skills
- health and safety education
The unit also provides respite care to clients in the community in order to assist their families and caregivers.
Reid Ward is a 25-bed unit that provides continuing care for elderly and infirm clients who have a diagnosis of mental illness. The service strives to promote and maintain optimum physical and mental wellbeing for long-term residents of the hospital.