Electronic Medical Record (PEARL)

Our first BHB-wide electronic medical record (EMR) launched on 29 October 2022. Staff have named the system PEARL – Patient Electronic & Administrative Records Log.

PEARL holds all your medical information in one electronic record. There is no more waiting for paper records or results, with all the information you and your healthcare team need to manage your care when you need services at KEMH, MWI or the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre.

PEARL is a tool for our staff to deliver safer, higher quality care across services, but please be patient in the first few weeks after go-live, as our staff put all their system training into practice.


More information about PEARL



Video clips:

If you have any questions about PEARL, please email publicrelations@bhb.bm or speak to your BHB care team in the department you are attending.