Home » PATIENT HANDBOOKS » KEMH Patient Handbook » Your Health and Safety » Barcoding – Keeping You Safe
Barcoding - Keeping You Safe
As part of our commitment to improving patient safety, we have introduced patient wristband barcode technology for administering medications. This technology confirms the right patient receives the correct medication at the appropriate time and in the proper dose.
- We will issue you with a bar-coded Identification wristband when you are admitted which you will wear during your stay in hospital.
- Before your nurse administers your medications, he or she will scan both your identification and medication at the bedside computer to ensure that your medication matches your prescribed medication and your patient information.
- This scanning process will take place each time medication is administered to you.
We are committed to preventing medication errors before they happen.
- Right patient
- Right medication
- Right dose
- Right method of administration (route)
- Right time
While no one wants to be treated like a number or series of stripes, sometimes they make all the difference. By bar-coding we are honouring our promise to ensure you receive the best and most advanced care possible.