Admission Information

In the event of an accident or sudden illness, you may be admitted at any time of the day or night via the Emergency Department or as a direct admission after arrangements by your physician.

If your admission is for Same Day or Elective Surgery, a few days before your surgery you will receive a telephone call from the pre-admission department nurse to arrange for a pre-admission appointment.

During this appointment,

  • You can complete laboratory tests if ordered by your surgeon
  • You will meet with the pre-admissions nurse and your anaesthetist who will:
    • Review instructions with you
    • Identify special care needs you may have
    • Talk with you about prescribed medications and allergies to medications
    • Verify your arrival time for surgery
    • Answer any questions you may have


Admitting Office

Someone is always available to assist you; we are open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day


Day of Admission

You will be given:

  1. An identification wristband with your name and BHB chart number and barcode.

Do not take the wristband off until you have been discharged from the hospital. If the wristband comes off for any reason, notify your nurse and ask for a new one.

  1. An Admission package and sheet of identification labels
  2. A Pink Admission Sheet