Find a BHB Physician

The Find a BHB Physician database includes BHB employed physicians, local community physicians with privileges to treat patients at BHB facilities, and privileged overseas specialists. To view BHB employed physicians only, select King Edward VII Memorial Hospital or Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute in the Location search box.

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Adesanya, Ayo-OluwaHospitalistInternal MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Ayo-Oluwa Adesanya MBBS DMUWI
Internal Medicine

Dr Ayo-Oluwa Adesanya, MBBS DMUWI (Internal Medicine), joined Bermuda Hospitals Board as a hospitalist in August 2010. He is a member of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital's Infection Prevention and Control Committee. Dr Adesanya received his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from the College of Medicine at the University of Lagos, Nigeria in 1991. In 2006, he completed his internal medicine residency at the University of the West Indies in Cave Hill, Barbados. Before arriving in Bermuda, Dr Adesanya served as the attending physician at Victoria Hospital Castries in St Lucia, where he was chairperson of the Drug & Therapeutic Committee and a member of the hospital's Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Committee. Dr Adesanya is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine, American Society of General Internal Medicine, International Sports Medicine Federation and the American Public Health Association.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 239-1802 - Fax: (441) 239-1083 - Email:

Anderson, Purcel Internal Medicine ConsultantInternal MedicineHamilton

Purcel Anderson MD MBBS
Internal Medicine Consultant
Internal Medicine

Dr Purcel Anderson is a highly experienced Consultant in Internal Medicine, having received his postgraduate Doctor of Medicine (DM) degree from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. His special interest is Cardiology with training in Cardiology Technology (Canada) and non-invasive cardiology from the Heart Institute of the Caribbean, located in Kingston, Jamaica. His other area of interest is in infectious diseases, but in practice covers all areas of internal medicine. Dr Anderson has had experience working in Jamaica, Canada, Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands. He came to Bermuda in January 2011. Prior to that he served as an Internist at Savanna-La-Mar Public General Hospital in Westmoreland, Jamaica.

War-Med Ltd., Sea Venture Building, 19 Parliament Street , 2nd Floor, Hamilton, HM12
Tel: (441) 295-6554 - Fax: (441) 296-2986 - Email:

Arnold, MatthewConsultant AnaesthetistAnaesthesiologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Matthew Arnold
Consultant Anaesthetist

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Devonshire, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345

Ashton, MichaelConsultantInfectious Diseases, Internal MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Michael Ashton MD
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine

Dr Michael Ashton consults as an infectious disease specialist for BHB. He served as chief of medicine from 2016-2023, working closely with the directors of each medical specialty, including cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, oncology and hospitalists. Dr Ashton joined BHB in November 2011 as an infectious diseases specialist and hospital epidemiologist. He is ABIM board certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases. Bermudian born, Dr Ashton completed a Bachelor of Science and pre med at McGill University, and medical school at the University of Vermont. He sought further training in primary care and internal medicine as an intern and resident at Yale New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. He then completed fellowship training in infectious diseases and hospital epidemiology at Yale New Haven Hospital.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345 - Email:

Babeckas, PeterEmergency PhysicianEmergency MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Peter Babeckas MD CCFP(EM)
Emergency Physician
Emergency Medicine

Dr Peter Babeckas has worked as an Emergency Physician at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital since December 1999. He completed medical school then residency training in Emergency Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, in 1998. He worked in the emergency departments of Woodstock and St Thomas General Hospitals prior to coming to Bermuda. From 2002 to 2004, he completed training in hyperbaric medicine and wound care. Dr Babeckas currently works several shifts per month in the hospital's Hyperbaric and Wound Care department. He has also served as Chief of Emergency Services on several occasions in Dr Edward Schultz's absence. Outside of work, he has offered voluntary medical coverage for several sporting events including the Escape to Bermuda Triathlon series, the Rugby Classic, tennis tournaments and most recently the 35th America's Cup.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 239-2009 - Fax: (441) 236-9181 - Email:

Bandlamudi, BhanuConsultant OncologistOncologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Bhanu Bandlamudi MBBS MD DM
Consultant Oncologist

Dr Bhanu Bandlamudi joined BHB in 2025 as a consultant oncologist. He completed his medical education in India, gaining a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery from Rangaraya Medical College, a postgraduate medical degree in radiation oncology from Kasturba Medical College, and a specialised Doctor of Medicine in medical oncology from Jawaharial Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research. He previously held medical and radiation oncology positions at Subha Comprehensive Cancer and the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences in India. Dr Bandlamudi is a member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology, American Society Radiation Oncology, European Society of Medical Oncology, and Indian Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 239-2044 - Fax: (441) 239-6330 - Email:

Baron, JaniceDentistDentistryHamilton

Janice Baron

Dr Janice Baron has been in the dental field for over two decades and works with the Bermuda Government Department of Health’s Oral Health section. She started her dental career at the National School of Dental Therapy in Canada and obtained her qualification from the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences from the University of Santiago, Cuba. Dr Baron served as Chief Dental Surgeon within the Ministry of Health, Turks and Caicos Islands, and is a member of the American Dental Association. She has extensive experience in all aspects of dentistry, including oral health education and promotion, administration, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral disease. Treatments include restorative, crown and bridge, endodontics, and oral surgery and digital dentistry CEREC.

Hamilton Health Centre, 67 Victoria Street, Hamilton, HM 12
Tel: (441) 278-6440 - Email:

Bascombe-Adams, RoslynDirector, Emergency and Hyperbaric ServicesEmergency MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Roslyn Bascombe-Adams MD
Director, Emergency and Hyperbaric Services
Emergency Medicine

Dr Roslyn Bascombe-Adams, MD, is Director of Emergency and Hyperbaric Services, Chair of the Disaster Management and Response Committee, and represents Bermuda Hospitals Board on the Emergency Measures Organisation. In 1998, she joined BHB's Emergency Department as Night Physician, before becoming Deputy Director in 2002. She served as member, then Co-Chair, of BHB Ethics Committee 2002-2011. Prior to joining BHB, she worked as Emergency Room Coordinator, Medical Disaster Focal Point, and District/Medical Officer at Kingstown General Hospital, St Vincent and the Grenadines. Dr Bascombe-Adams earned her Doctorate of Medicine from St. George's University of Medicine, Grenada, and did a sub-internship then postgraduate training in the UK, USA, St Vincent and Barbados. She is a Pan American Health Organization Disaster Instructor.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 239-2009 - Fax: (441) 236-9181 - Email:

Basden, ArleneMedical DirectorInternal MedicinePaget

Arlene Basden MBBS FRCP(UK)
Medical Director
Internal Medicine

Dr Arlene Basden, MBBS FRCP(UK), is the former director of Hospitalist Services for Bermuda Hospitals Board. Dr Basden left BHB in 2017 to establish her own practice, Bermuda Medical Specialties Group, Ltd. She received her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery from the University of the West Indies in St Augustine, Trinidad, in June 1998. Dr Basden went on to complete her residency at Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and later achieved her membership with the Royal College of Physicians in London in November 2004. A specialist in Internal Medicine, Dr Basden is registered with the Bermuda Medical Council and is a member of a number of professional organisations.

Bermuda Medical Specialties Group, Ltd., 33 Berry Hill Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 541-2674 - Fax: (441) 296-2675 - Email:

Basden, ShawneeClinical PsychologistPsychology, Geriatric PsychologyMid-Atlantic Wellness Institute

Shawnee Basden PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
Psychology, Geriatric Psychology

Dr Shawnee Basden, PhD, is assigned to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital's Rehabilitation Day Hospital working with those having experienced traumatic brain injury or physical illness. She also helps to run the Mood and Memory Clinic, a diagnostic and treatment clinic for those with dementia illness, and works with Child and Adolescent Services treating teens with eating disorders. Dr Basden completed her doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Boston University, where she was awarded the Martin Luther King Research Fellowship. Following that in 2007, she attended Brown University Medical School, where she completed a pre-doctoral internship, working primarily in military hospitals with returning veterans who were diagnosed with depression, PTSD and traumatic brain injury. Before returning home to Bermuda, she spent three years in the department of Psychiatry at Oxford University in the UK. She is currently President of the Bermuda Psychological Society and on the Bermuda Psychological Registration Council.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute, 44 Devon Springs Road, Devonshire, FL01
Tel: (441) 236-3770 - Fax: (441) 236-9383 - Email:

Bates, RyanPaediatricianPaediatrics Hamilton


Dr Ryan Bates received his medical degree from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada in 1998. He then went on to do specialty training in paediatrics at The Winnipeg Children's Hospital in Manitoba. He remained there for four years and was honoured in 2001 with the Outstanding Resident of the Year Award. He was made Chief Resident of Paediatrics in his final year of training. He received his certification from the American Board of Pediatrics in 2002, as well as his Specialist Certificate in Paediatrics from The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 2002. After completing his training, Dr Bates became a Staff Physician in the Emergency Department of Winnipeg Children's Hospital. While there, he learned what life in the ER was truly like, caring for critically ill children, paediatric trauma patients and other ER cases. During his training, Dr Bates was able to share his paediatric knowledge with underprivileged families by doing electives in Zambia and Honduras. He has also worked as Department Chair of Pediatrics at the Commonwealth Health Center in Saipan in the South Pacific.

Wee Care Pediatrics, 7 Elliott Street, Hamilton, HM10
Tel: (441) 296-3032 - Fax: (441) 296-3035

Bean, CarlaClinical PsychologistChild and Adolescent Psychology, PsychologyMid-Atlantic Wellness Institute

Carla Bean PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
Child and Adolescent Psychology, Psychology

Dr Carla Bean serves as Clinical Psychologist for Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute Child and Adolescent Services. Her role involves providing treatment and consulting with the outpatient and inpatient population, as well as assisting with the Day Programme and Autism Clinic. She received a bachelor\'s degree in psychology from Montclair State University in New Jersey, a master\'s degree in counseling from Regent University in Virginia and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis in Child and Adolescence at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Dr Bean has over 20 years\' experience working in the behavioural health field with the child and adolescent population, as well as adults across the diagnostic spectrum. She has done extensive forensic work with child custody, abuse and juvenile corrections cases in various court systems within the United States.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute, 44 Devon Springs Road, Devonshire, FL01
Tel: (441) 236-3770 - Fax: (441) 236-9383 - Email:

Bell, PhilipConsultant OtorhinolaryngologistOtorhinolaryngologyPaget

Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist

Dr Bell is a consultant otorhinolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon. He qualified from Queen’s University Belfast and completed his higher surgical training in Northern Ireland, gaining fellowship to The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Dr Bell completed a prestigious fellowship in reconstructive cosmetic surgery with the past president of The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. He went on to train in facial plastic surgery in Paris and Nice, gaining expertise in surgical and non-surgical facial treatments. Dr Bell has carried out research into reducing scarring and improving wound healing, receiving a master’s degree in surgical science from Edinburgh University. He also holds a master’s degree in business administration and is a member of The Faculty of Surgical Trainers at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

ENT Bermuda, Ralmar, 15 Point Finger Road, Paget
Tel: (441) 236-1043 - Email:

Bennett, Donna KayeHospitalistInternal MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Donna Kaye Bennett MBBS DM
Internal Medicine

Dr Donna Kaye Marjorie Bennett, MBBS DM, joined Bermuda Hospitals Board as a Hospitalist in August 2016. After graduating with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery in 2004, she went on to earn her Doctor of Medicine in Internal Medicine from University of the West Indies in Jamaica in 2012. Prior to arriving in Bermuda, she worked as an Internist at Savanna la mar Public General Hospital in Westmoreland, Jamaica from 2012 to 2016. Dr Bennett completed her Residency in Internal Medicine with electives in Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care and Intensive Care Unit at the University Hospital of the West Indies. She is currently a member of the Association of Consultant Physicians (Jamaica) and the Medical Protection Society.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345 - Email:

Bilandzic, LukaHospitalistInternal Medicine, EndocrinologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Luka Bilandzic MD
Internal Medicine, Endocrinology

Dr Luka Bilandzic joined the hospitalist service in 2021, coming to BHB from the Center for Endocrinology and Metabolism in Ingolstadt, Germany. Dr Bilandzic graduated from the School of Medicine at Croatia’s University of Zagreb in 2008, and completed his residency in internal medicine at Helios Klinik in Erfurt, Germany, in 2016. He further specialised in endocrinology and diabetology in hospital and outpatient clinic, completing this training in 2021. During his medical career in Germany, Dr Bilandzic also received his master’s degree in healthcare management from Ernst-Abbe Hochschule Jena, University of Applied Sciences.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 239-1082 - Fax: (441) 239-1083 - Email:

Boaventura Barclay, SuraiaGastroenterologistGastroenterologyHamilton

Suraia Boaventura Barclay MD AGAF

Dr Suraia Boaventura Barclay, is a gastroenterologist and Fellow Member of the American Gastroenterology Association with more than 30 years’ experience. Brazilian born, Dr Barclay entered medical school at Federal University of Bahia in 1977. She later went on to complete a fellowship in Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at Roberto Santos General Hospital in Salvador, as well as Therapeutic Endoscopy fellowships at the University of Sao Paulo and University of Hamburg, Germany. Following an academic pathway she completed a Master and Doctorate with two theses on peptic ulcer and chronic pancreatitis, and pancreatic cancer. Before starting her own private practice in Bermuda, Dr Barclay worked in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal endoscopy at various medical establishments in Brazil. She also served as an Associate Professor at the University of Sao Paulo from 1997 to 2001. She has written for a number of peer-reviewed journals and chapter books, and spoken at international meetings in South America, North America, Europe and Asia.

Barclay Professionals, Suite 301, The International Centre, 26 Bermudiana Road, Hamilton , HM11
Tel: (441) 295-6994 - Fax: (441) 295-6956 - Email:

Brandt, TonyConsultant AnaesthetistAnaesthesiologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Tony Brandt MD
Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Tony Brandt joined Bermuda Hospitals Board as a Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in June 2010. Prior to that, he spent 17 years working in various capacities at NU-Hospital in Sweden, including Senior Consultant and Deputy Chief of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care from 2002 to 2008. During that time, he was responsible for scheduling and hiring of anaesthesiologists and intensivists, as well as leading and teaching the team of resident anaesthesiologists. In 2008, Dr Brandt then founded his own business, Care staff Sweden AB, where he consulted with hospitals throughout Sweden and Norway. He received his Medical Degree from Gothenburg University and pursued further education and training in areas including: Medical Care during Catastrophic Occurrence, Monitoring during Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Administrative Leadership, Paediatric Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Lung Physiology, Echocardiography and Total Parenteral Nutrition.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345

Brislane, KerryConsultant AnaesthetistAnaesthesiologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Kerry Brislane MBChB (Hons) FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Kerry Brislane, MBChB (Hons) FRCA, is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Bermuda Hospitals Board. She is committed to delivering world-class anaesthesia in all areas of her work, which include: Intensive Care, Obstetric Anaesthesia, Major Surgery in General Surgery, Gynaecology and Orthopaedics, Paediatric Anaesthesia, and has extensive experience in advanced airway management. She has particular interest in enhanced recovery programmes which deliver faster recovery times and improved outcomes for patients. Dr Brislane is the lead physician in the BHB Perioperative Quality Committee, a focus group which strives to deliver high quality, patient-centred care at BHB and ensure internationally recognised accreditation standards are maintained. A fellow of The Royal College of Anaesthetists (2004), Dr Brislane is also a member of UK Difficult Airway Society (2005), and the London Society of Regional Anaesthesia (2007).

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345 - Email:

Brown, JanieDentistDentistry, Paediatric DentistryHamilton

Janie Brown DDS
Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry

Dr Janie Brown has been practicing dentistry on the island for more than 20 years. She obtained her medical degrees from Tufts University School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1992, followed by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 1994. Dr Brown has held a number of hospital appointments, including posts on the Privilege Review Committee, the Medical Staff Committee and Chief of Dentistry at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. She finished those appointments, after more than 10 years’ service, in 2014. She is a member of the Bermuda Dental Association, American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Par-la-Ville Dental, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton , HM08
Tel: (441) 296-0011

Brown, KyjuanGeneral PractitionerFamily MedicineDevonshire

Kyjuan Brown MD
General Practitioner
Family Medicine

Dr Kyjuan Brown has been practicing medicine for over 10 years, and his main areas of practice include Dermatology, Aesthetic and General Medicine, and Medical Weight Loss. After obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Biology Pre-Medicine from Morris Brown college in 2004, he went on to obtain his Doctor of Medicine at the St Georges University School of Medicine, Grenada. In 2013 he earned a diploma in Dermatology from The University of Cardiff, Wales. Dr Brown always welcomes a challenge and enjoys participating in continuing medical education. Since 2013 Northshore Medical & Aesthetics Center has been a multidisciplinary practice and med spa, encompassing all aspects of health and beauty, and providing patients and clients with the necessary tools to improve and maintain their overall health and wellbeing.

Northshore Medical & Aesthetics Center, 7 Northshore Road, Devonshire, DV01
Tel: (441) 293-5476 - Fax: (441) 295-7705 - Email:

Bruce-Payne, RobertConsultant AnaesthetistAnaesthesiologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Robert Bruce-Payne MBBS FRCA
Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Robert Bruce-Payne, MBBS FRCA, is a Consultant Anaesthetist at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. A graduate of the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, Dr Bruce-Payne went on to complete 15 years of anaesthetic work and training internationally and in the UK. In 2007, he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. He is also a member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and European Society of Regional Anaesthesia. Before joining the Bermuda Hospitals Board, he developed a subspecialty interest in Regional Anaesthesia and undertook a fellowship in Regional Anaesthesia at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in 2011. During his final year of training, he worked in a tertiary referral unit dealing with high-risk obstetric anaesthesia.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345 - Email:

Burke, M MaureenRadiologistDiagnostic RadiologyKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

M Maureen Burke MD CM
Diagnostic Radiology

Bermuda Hospitals Board's Radiologist Dr Maureen Burke has close to 30 years' radiology experience working in various hospitals in Quebec, Canada. Specialising in Diagnostic Radiology, Dr Burke received a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University before graduating with a Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery from the same institution. Dr Burke went on to complete a Pathology Internship, followed by a Residency in Diagnostic Radiology at the Montreal General Hospital. She also took part in a Mammography Fellowship, under the direction of Madame Le Gal, Institute Curie in Paris, France in 1988 and completed a six month Abdominal Imaging Fellowship at McGill in 1998. She has a specialist certificate in Diagnostic Radiology from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. She is also certified with the American Board of Radiology. In addition to holding a number of academic appointments at the University of Montreal and McGill University, Dr Burke has written for numerous medical publications and spoken at various conferences and scientific presentations. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (C) and a member of the Canadian Medical Association and American College of Radiology.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV04
Tel: (441) 236-2345 - Email:

Bush, AlickClinical PsychologistPsychology, Learning DisabilitiesMid-Atlantic Wellness Institute

Alick Bush MPsychol DClinPsych
Clinical Psychologist
Psychology, Learning Disabilities

Dr Alick Bush obtained his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Sheffield in the UK. He worked at St Brendan’s Hospital (now Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute) as a clinical psychologist from 1981 to 1986 before returning to Sheffield, where he was appointed as consultant Clinical Psychologist for adults with learning disabilities (intellectual disabilities). He had a number of different clinical and managerial roles in Sheffield, including Clinical Director for the Learning Disabilities Service, the Autism Strategy lead for the city, and lead for the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act. During that time, Dr Bush was also a member of the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), Guideline Development Group that produced national guidelines on Challenging Behaviour and Learning Disabilities. He has published extensively, focusing largely in the area of challenging behaviour and people with intellectual disabilities. Dr Bush rejoined BHB in April 2015 and is the clinical psychologist in the Learning Disability Service, responsible for providing assessment and interventions for clients.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute, 44 Devon Springs Road, Devonshire, FL01
Tel: (441) 236-3770 - Email:

Butterfield, BurtonChief of Family Practice and General MedicineGeneral MedicineKing Edward VII Memorial Hospital

Burton Butterfield BSc MD MPH
Chief of Family Practice and General Medicine
General Medicine

Dr Burton Butterfield is a general practitioner in private practice, and was appointed BHB's chief of family practice and general medicine in October 2022. He completed his Doctor of Medicine at Howard University in 1974, and his postgraduate training at USC Medical Center and Martin Luther King Hospital in Los Angeles. In addition, he achieved a Master of Public Health in health management systems from Liverpool University in 2013. Dr Butterfield has worked in private practice and in hospitals in the US and Bermuda. He has served on the board of the Bermuda Health Council and as president of the former Bermuda Medical Association. Dr Butterfield is certified by the American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians, and is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the National Medical Association in the US.

Bermuda Hospitals Board, King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, 7 Point Finger Road, Paget, DV 04
Tel: (441) 292-7737 - Email: