Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)

Bermuda Hospitals Board, like all organisations in Bermuda, adheres to the Personal Information Protection Act 2016 (PIPA) with regard to the collection, storage, management, deletion and use of personal information.

As a healthcare provider, we hold personal information in our electronic and paper records about patients, staff and others. Every effort is made to ensure only authorised people who require this information to do their jobs have access to such information.

Below are documents related to the requirements under PIPA , including forms for you to make a request to see, correct or delete the personal information we hold about you.

PIPA questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns, you can email our privacy officer at, or call 239-2112. The privacy officer will respond between 8am and 4pm on weekdays.

Subject access requests

To see, correct, block or delete the personal information we hold about you, click here for the Subject Access Request Form. Please print and complete it. If you require any assistance to complete this application form, please do not hesitate to contact our privacy officer by email at or by telephone at 239-2112.

If you want to access your medical record, please contact the Health Information Management Services (HIMS) Department. Click here for more information and contact information.

Privacy notices

The following notices explain why and how BHB uses personal information for various individuals. The nature of your relationship (whether you are a patient, employee, visitor or contractor) with BHB will determine which notice or notices apply to you.

General Consent Form

The General Consent Form is the consent form filled in by all inpatient and outpatients before any care, treatment or test is delivered. Patients must identify individuals in this form if they want them to receive medical information or updates about them while they are in hospital.