Primary Stroke Centre

Neurology Outpatient Clinic, Neurovascular Clinic and Stroke Prevention Clinic, KEMH
Tel: (441) 239-1836 Fax: (441) 239-2235 Email:

Emergencies: If you are experiencing stroke symptoms, visit the Emergency Department or call 911 for an ambulance


Signs of Stroke Illustration

The BHB Primary Stroke Centre aims to provide the highest quality care and services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of and recovery from stroke, with an emphasis on reintegration into the community through rehabilitation.

Patients presenting with a new stroke are prioritised across all services, as seconds count in preserving brain function. Care and treatment are provided by multidisciplinary stroke teams, which include physicians, nurses, allied health professionals and diagnostic technicians. Intravenous thrombolytics (clot busting agents) are administered to appropriate candidates who present within 4.5 hours of the start of a stroke.

Once discharged from the hospital, patients are provided with care coordination and appointments in the Neurovascular and Stroke Prevention Clinics, vascular surgery and/or the Rehabilitation Day Hospital.

The Neurovascular Clinic and Stroke Prevention Clinic are part of the Primary Stroke Centre, and focus on stroke prevention. As a stroke can occur anywhere, all BHB employees are required to complete training in stroke risk factors, signs and symptoms, and first response. In addition, all clinical staff complete training in stroke treatment and management, rehabilitation and post-stroke care.

The team also provides island-wide public education on the signs and symptoms of strokes, as well as stroke prevention strategies – BE FAST.

BHB’s Acute Stroke Centre Working Group meets regularly to discuss cases, stroke education, certification and implementation of evidence-based practices. The group includes representatives from across the organisation: critical care and EMTs, inpatient care, diagnostic imaging, laboratory services, rehabilitation, education, communications, decision support and senior leadership.

In December 2018, BHB signed a clinical affiliation agreement with Johns Hopkins Medicine International to establish KEMH as a primary stroke centre. BHB’s current accreditation cycle with Accreditation Canada includes participation in the Stroke Distinction Program, developed in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. BHB achieved Distinction in Stroke Services in April 2022 for its acute stroke services and inpatient rehabilitation services.

Factsheets: Stroke Prevention and Warning Signs