Cardiac Diagnostics

3rd Floor, General Wing, KEMH

8am to 4pm Monday to Friday

Tel: (441) 239-1416 Fax: (441) 239-2096


The Mary & David Barber Cardiac Diagnostic Unit provides tests to help evaluate the cardiac function of adults and, to a limited extent, children. Tests must be ordered by the patient’s physician.

The following tests are available in the unit:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Echocardiogram (echo)
  • Ultrasound
  • Bubble studies
  • Exercise (treadmill) stress tests (with and without echocardiogram)
  • Holter monitoring
  • 24-hour automated blood pressure monitoring

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

A simple test that records the electrical activity of the heart muscle from 12 different positions. It is also called an EKG.

Echocardiogram (Echo)

A type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves to produce an image of the heart. The sound waves are sent through a device called a transducer and are reflected off the various structures of the heart. This test shows how well your heart is pumping blood and how well your heart valves are working. Sometimes it is combined with an exercise stress test.

Exercise (Treadmill) Stress Tests (with and without echocardiogram)

This test helps a doctor find out how well your heart handles work. As your body works harder during the test, it requires more oxygen, so the heart must pump more blood. The test can show if the blood supply is reduced in the arteries that supply the heart. It also helps doctors know the kind and level of exercise appropriate for a patient.

Holter Monitoring

Arrhythmias, or irregular heart rhythms, are common and can occur in a healthy heart and have no affect on health. Some arrhythmias indicate a more serious problem and, if left untreated, may lead to heart disease, stroke or sudden cardiac death. We monitor arrhythmia patients with portable devices that record every heartbeat anywhere from 1 to 30 days to reveal any episodes or arrhythmias that may not have been found during in-office evaluation.

24-hour Automated Blood Pressure Monitoring

A method of taking regular blood pressure readings, usually over a 24-hour period, as patients conduct their normal activities. A special, automatic blood pressure monitor is used and patients are asked to keep a diary or log of their activities during the day.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Testing to evaluate brain wave activity to diagnose certain neurological disorders is also housed within the Cardiac Diagnostic Unit. An EEG is a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors (electrodes) are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain’s electrical activity on the screen or on paper as wavy lines. Certain conditions, such as seizures, can be seen by the changes in the normal pattern of the brain’s electrical activity.

Other devices, such as pacemakers, defibrillators and reveal recorders, even those not installed by the hospital, are monitored within the Cardiac Diagnostic Unit.