Outpatient Surgery

2nd Floor, Acute Care Wing, KEMH

6am to 9pm Monday to Friday

Tel: (441) 239-1663 Patient Updates: (441) 239-1755


The Surgical Ambulatory Unit

Modern technological advances and medical techniques have changed the way many illnesses and injuries are diagnosed and treated. Lasers, specialised scopes, microsurgical instruments and sophisticated radiologic equipment make it possible for many diagnostic and surgical procedures to be performed on an outpatient or same-day basis.

Our skilled professional staff, including nurses specialising in surgery, post-anaesthesia care and ambulatory surgery, work as a team with your physician and anaesthetist to individualise your care and recovery programme. Our goal is to make your visit to our hospital as easy and convenient as possible.

On the Day of Surgery

  • Enter through the main lobby in the Acute Care Wing. The receptionist can direct you to the elevator.
  • Check in with the receptionist on the 2nd floor.
  • You will be escorted to the pre-op area where you will be assessed and prepared for your surgery.
  • After preparation you will wait in the sub-waiting room until your time for surgery.
  • You will be escorted to the operating room, walking or in a wheelchair.
  • An introduction to your team, including your anaesthetist and surgeon, will occur and you will be helped onto the operating table.
  • Although you will see and hear the team attending to their specific duties, a nurse will always be with you.
  • Please do not bring valuables or money.

If waiting family need news or updates, please give us a call at (441) 239-1755.

Following Your Surgery

  • You will be taken to the Peri-anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to recover from anaesthesia before being discharged.
  • You will then dress and be escorted to the discharge lounge, where you will receive a light snack and hot or cold beverage when you are able to tolerate food.
  • Your discharge time will depend on the time, type and length of your surgery, and the time you need to recover.
  • When you are able to be discharged home, a staff member will call your transportation.

Once You Are Home

After you are discharged, rest and recuperate in the comfort of your home. Our Surgical Ambulatory Unit staff will contact you within 24 hours to follow up on your progress. Please do not hesitate to call us at (441) 239-1663 if you have questions.

Day of Surgery Reminders

  • Please have a responsible adult transport you to and from the hospital on the day of your surgery. For patients who are minors or adults needing assistance, a parent or guardian must remain on the hospital grounds until the patient is discharged.
  • Please do NOT wear makeup, nail polish or any jewellery when you arrive for your procedure.
  • Please plan to leave dentures, partial plates, contact lenses and eyeglasses with a family member or friend during your procedure.
  • Please wear loose-fitting clothing, such as a jogging or warm-up suit, for your comfort after your procedure.
  • Please inform a nurse if your teeth are capped or if you have any loose teeth.
  • Please do not bring any money, credit cards, jewellery or other valuables.
  • Please bring your inhaler(s) or other medications as specified during your preadmission testing.