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Compensation Calculator
Bermuda Hospitals Board is pleased to provide you with a summary of estimated employee compensation for a select group of our positions.
Note: The Compensation Calculator is a tool to provide examples of salary estimations for specific positions for informational purposes only. In the examples used, deductions will be made for health insurance, social insurance, payroll tax, union dues and employee pension. The health insurance deduction shows the base premium only, excluding optional benefits such as dental, home and office, and vision care.
If you have specific questions on rates of pay and applicable deductions for these or other positions, please contact Human Resources at HRShared.Services@bhb.bm.
Select your occupation from the list below.
Note: The Compensation Calculator is a tool to provide examples of salary estimations for specific positions for informational purposes only. In the examples used, deductions will be made for health insurance, social insurance, payroll tax, union dues and employee pension. The health insurance deduction shows the base premium only, excluding optional benefits such as dental, home and office, and vision care.
If you have specific questions on rates of pay and applicable deductions for these or other positions, please contact Human Resources at HRShared.Services@bhb.bm.