Providing Safe Care | Bermuda Hospitals Board

King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute are dedicated to providing excellent patient care for our community and visitors.

Maintaining accreditation is at the heart of the BHB Board’s strategy to constantly improve the clinical quality of our healthcare services to our patients and community, and to keep pace with changing international best practices.


Accreditation Canada Seal

All Bermuda Hospitals Board services are accredited by Accreditation Canada.

In addition:


Patient safety is a top priority at BHB. Multiple programmes have been put in place to create a culture of safety.

These include:

Two Client Identifiers – a hospital policy of double-checking the identity of the inpatient or outpatient, and the care, procedure, surgery or medications he or she is to receive.

Informed Consent – a signed and witnessed consent form is required by law before any surgical procedure.

Proper consent should include clear explanations of:

  • What procedure is to be done and why
  • Risks and benefits of the procedure and the likelihood of either occurring
  • Other treatment options and their associated risks and benefits
  • How your information will be kept confidential

In addition you, and family members who are present, will be given the opportunity to ask questions and time to consider your options and to review the consent form prior to signing.

Correct Patient, Procedure, Site – All relevant medical records are reviewed by the surgical team prior to surgery. The operating surgeon then marks the site of the surgery and then a final review will be performed that provides time for any questions and concerns to be addressed.

Medication Safety – BHB confirms the “5 rights” before administering medication to any patient:

  1. Right patient
  2. Right drug
  3. Right dose
  4. Right time
  5. Right route (pill, IV, etc.)

Become an Active Member of Your Healthcare Team – By partnering with us as your healthcare providers, you can help improve care, prevent errors and speed your recovery.

  • Make a list of questions for your care team so you will remember to ask them.
  • Make sure you can see and hear well when your care team is answering your questions. Ask a relative or friend to be with you if you think this will help you understand and remember the answers.
  • Make sure you receive the results of any test or procedure.
  • Ask for explanations of what the results mean for you.

Download one of our patient safety brochures: