BHB publishes guide to help identify when medical care is needed for measles

Monday 25 November 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board today issued a patient self-assessment guide to help patients and carers identify when medical advice and hospital care is needed for patients with suspected or confirmed  measles infections. Click here for the guide.

Chief of Emergency & Hyperbaric Services Dr Chikezie Dean Okereke comments: “While most patients can get through a measles infection by staying hydrated and taking fever medication, such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen, the complications of measles can be extremely serious and people need to know when medical advice or hospital treatment is needed.

“In recent US outbreaks, 20% (one in five) of unvaccinated people who had measles were hospitalised. It is an extremely infectious disease. You can catch measles by walking into a room that someone infected with measles left two hours before.”

The Measles Patient Symptom Self-Assessment Guide has been designed to help people decide when they should stay at home, and when they need to call for medical advice or emergency treatment.

Dr Okereke stated how it important it was that even when emergency medical care is needed, no one with measles or suspected measles should just turn up at the Emergency Department. Patients or carers should call in advance so the Emergency Department can safely attend to the patient in need without putting other people at risk.

“We also want to remind people that prevention is the best form of protection. History is full of stories of measles tragedies that vaccination for the most part has eradicated. We need to do all we can to stop it re-emerging as a threat to our children and families.

“On the back of the positive measles cases in Bermuda, we are encouraging masking in hospital waiting areas, and in the Emergency Department it is now a requirement.

“Vaccination remains best and safest way to safeguard against measles and its complications. It is extremely effective (97%) and according to the World Health Organization, has saved about 60 million lives since 2000. The vaccine is readily available here in Bermuda from your GP, paediatrician and the Government clinic (278-6460). It requires two jabs one month apart for the highest level of protection, but even after the first jab your protection from this disease will be vastly improved.”


25 November 2024 Home Page, News

Joint Statement from BHB, PALS, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre (BCHC) and Ministry of Health on oncology referral navigation

Friday 15 November 2024: Cancer care service providers are working together around the clinical care of all patients with cancer and wanted to provide an overview of how new cancers will be managed while Bermuda Hospitals Board’s (BHB’s) two newly appointed oncologists go through the final stages of moving to the island.

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) announced last week that two new full-time oncologists had been hired.  Their immigration applications have now been approved and BHB is in the process of confirming start dates of the new oncologists.

Although BHB’s medical oncology capacity has been reduced, the clinical teams are all here to help and will remain involved for all those with cancer. Moving forward, all referrals for oncology patients should be sent via email to the BCHC Cancer Navigator at Any referrals received directly to medical oncology via the current route will be forwarded on.

This includes new consults, previously seen patients with new issues and any returning overseas patients.

As standard, referrals should include a referral letter, pathology report, imaging reports, lab work and any overseas notes.

Each patient will be triaged and reviewed through an additional oncology tumour board dedicated to triaging patient care. This will occur weekly or as needed for urgent patients.  Recommendations will be documented in a tumour board note, and the patient will be followed to the next steps of their pathway.

Patients requiring further discussion with the wider multidisciplinary team will be presented at the General tumour board, which occurs each Friday.

Patients requiring referral overseas for treatment will have their HIAB form completed by the navigation team. However, the GP or referring physician will remain the point of contact for those patients and will be required to contact the patient to advise them of the tumour board recommendation.

The cancer navigator will then follow up with the patient regarding overseas referral information/process.  Patients will be advised to liaise with their insurance company regarding which facility they should be referred to.

Patients who can receive treatment on the island will be referred to the appropriate physicians and monitored by the navigation team for any status updates/changes.

The Navigation team can be contacted with any other questions or concerns:

Michele Hypolite & Harriet Stuckes



15 November 2024 Home Page, News

Sterile processing department at KEMH to be upgraded

Thursday 7 November 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board today announced that it is starting a major renovation project for its sterile processing department that will run from February to July 2025.

Sterile processing is the sanitisation of equipment and items used in clinical care. The highly specialised cleaning process ensures items are completely safe for use. All surgical tools are cleaned and packaged in this area to support the over 9,000 surgeries undertaken at KEMH per year. Any items that are re-used across the hospitals are also processed through this department.

Chief Operating Officer Preston Swan comments: “This is a long overdue upgrade project that will remedy the issues that have impacted SPD over the last few years, such as equipment failure and floods.  The equipment is over 14 years old and the area is in the older part of the General Wing so the infrastructure is in urgent need of work. A failure in SPD could impact our ability to deliver life saving procedures and deliver safe care across our inpatient and outpatient service. This is a priority project for us that will enable us to deliver the safest, most efficient sterile processing service in the support of patient care.”

The project will cost about $4.5 million in total and will include the replacement of equipment, furniture and the floor as well as an upgrade of the infrastructure.

Mr Swan continues: “We anticipate the upgrade work in SPD will start in February and be completed by July 2025. While the department is upgraded, we will use a temporary sterile processing area that is currently being constructed in the old surgical area of the General Wing, just opposite the existing location.

“The capacity of the temporary area will be enough to meet most of our needs during the upgrade, but there will be some patient impact. We anticipate there will be a reduction in the number of major elective surgeries undertaken in any one day, such as hips and knee replacements, as these are very instrument intensive. I would stress, however, that we will be able to complete all emergency and time-sensitive surgical needs, for example trauma, emergency caesarians or cancer surgeries, and there will be less impact on procedures that don’t need much instrumentation, such as pain management, some cardiology procedures, endoscopy and urology procedures.”

Once complete, the upgrade will ensure a much more consistent sterile processing service, optimising safety, quality and efficiency.

“We apologise that there will likely be fewer major elective surgeries during the first half of year,” Mr Swan says. “We will continue to do all we can to minimise the patient impact across all our services. Certainly the upgrade of this critical area is required to ensure that the sterile processing service is as robust and efficient as possible to meet the long term needs of Bermuda patients for the years ahead.”


7 November 2024 Home Page, News

No through traffic at KEMH between Point Finger and Berry Hill roads on Saturday morning

Wednesday 6 November 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board advises the public that there will be no through traffic on the campus of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) between Point Finger Road and Berry Hill Road on Saturday 9 November from 7am- noon.

People will be able to access the Emergency Department, the main Acute Care Wing (ACW) entrance and the ACW visitor parking lot from Point Finger Road.

Access from Berry Hill Road will stop at the Botanical Gardens’ gate to KEMH.

To ensure safety, please adhere to all signage, barricades and directions of personnel at the site.


6 November 2024 Home Page, News

Oncology Service Notice

Friday 1 November 2024: BHB is close to bringing two new oncologists to Bermuda. The new oncologists are in the final stages of recruitment having completed their local registration with the Bermuda Medical Council and we are in the process of securing immigration approval.

Following the departure of Acting Director of Oncology Dr Michael Hawking in September, BHB has one full time oncologist until the new appointees arrive.  Urgent work continues with overseas partners in order to refer newly diagnosed patients for consultation and treatment during this transition period, until the on-island Oncology service is able to have those patients transition back to Bermuda for continued treatment and follow up.

New patients with insurance will be referred overseas following a review by the Tumour Board, and we will work on individual solutions for patients who do not have insurance or cannot travel.

Acting Chief of Staff Anna Nielson-Williams comments: “We understand that our oncology patients will be very concerned about what this means to their treatment, and we recognise patients with newly discovered cancers during this time may worry about what this means to their care.

“There are up to 300 oncology patients seen by the service each month, and existing patients will continue with their chemotherapy treatments, though some appointments with the oncologist may be rescheduled for patients who are stable.

“We will do all we can to facilitate overseas referrals as quickly as possible for patients newly diagnosed until we can either secure more locum coverage or the new oncologists arrive. We will work individually with patients who do not have the option of travelling overseas.”

“A cancer diagnosis is extremely stressful for patients and families, so we apologise for the additional anxiety caused and will continue to do everything possible to ensure we can return to delivering on-island care for all.”

1 November 2024 Home Page, News

Reduce your stroke risk with physical activity

Tuesday 22 October 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board’s (BHB) Emergency Department sees an average of five people every week who are experiencing a stroke. That’s over 200 people every year.

“Our Primary Stroke Centre provides comprehensive stroke services, but we would like the public to take necessary actions to prevent stroke in the first instance and to seek medical care immediately if affected by stroke,” said Dr Srinath Meadipudi, BHB Primary Stroke Centre director.

“Knowing the risks and taking conscious action to reduce them will help you avoid becoming a stroke victim,” he continued.

October 29th is World Stroke Day, and in keeping with the international theme to boost physical activity, BHB encourages the public to be as physically active as they can.

Regular physical activity is a preventative measure for stroke. Statistics show that at least 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week reduces stroke risk by 20-25%. Physical activity after a stroke aids in recovery and the quality of life of stroke patients.

“At BHB we are encouraging all our staff to take the stairs where possible, instead of using elevators,” said Dr Meadipudi. “We invite the public to join our take the stairs effort or to create a movement goal that better suits their environment, from 28 October.”

BHB also reminds the public to BE FAST in recognising and responding to stroke symptoms.

B is for Balance – sudden loss of balance, headache or dizziness

E is for Eyes – sudden blurred vision

F is for Face – one side of the face is drooping

A is for Arms – sudden weakness in an arm or leg

S is for Speech – sudden difficulty speaking or making sense

T is for Time – Time to call 911 and get to the Emergency Department as soon as possible


More about the BHB Primary Stroke Centre


22 October 2024 Home Page, News

Free public event to focus on treatments for urinary incontinence

Wednesday 16 October 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board is partnering with Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, Optimum Wellness and the Bermuda College Division of Nursing & Allied Health to offer a free, public panel discussion about the latest treatment options for male and female incontinence.

The free event will take place from 3pm to 5pm on Saturday 19 October in the Bermuda College Lecture Hall H-100. The goal is to share the latest treatments for urinary incontinence and improve understanding about this common issue. No registration is required; people can just turn up.

The following experts will provide short presentations, followed by a Q&A panel discussion in which attendees can ask questions.

  • Dr Jonathan Makanjuola, Urology Consultant, Bermuda Hospitals Board
    Learn how your family doctor can assess you for lower urinary tract symptoms,
    and become familiar with questions you can ask about your urinary habits.
  • Dr Jessica Mandeville, Director of Endourology, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
    Learn about medical and surgical treatment options for an enlarged prostate.
  • Dr Arthur Mourtzinos, Vice Chair Division of Urology, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center
    Learn what the current surgical options are for managing urinary incontinence for men and women.
  • Michelle Monk, Registered Physiotherapist and Pelvic Floor Provider, Optimum Wellness
    Learn more about the pelvic floor, treatment approaches, common misperceptions,
    what the common dysfunctions are and how to treat them early.

Dr Makanjuola comments: “In the UK it’s estimated that at least 7-10% of the population have urinary incontinence, but this could well be under-reported as people feel embarrassed. If the same is true in Bermuda, that translates to over 6,000 people. Women are five times more likely to experience it, but men are impacted too. We will be sharing some great information that will help people know what to ask their doctor, for example, as well as what the latest treatment options are available.”

Dr Mourtzinos comments; “Lahey is excited to help share the latest treatments available for incontinence for men and women.  Lahey is dedicated to helping care for the Bermuda community. Our specialist urology services along with the treatments and care available on island give patients not just hope but effective treatments when dealing with incontinence.”

Ms Monk adds: “I’m looking forward to sharing some of the physiotherapy options available to improve pelvic floor health and bring relief from urinary incontinence. If you or a family member is experiencing an issue, however minor, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about the latest treatments and therapies available. In fact, there are early treatments that can make a big difference so people shouldn’t wait.”

BHB and Lahey are also partnering to deliver a physician continuing medical education symposium in the morning providing an update on urology. Details about the morning session for physicians can be found on the BHB website under CME events. BHB delivers a year-round educational calendar for free to all local physicians on various medical topics in partnership with leading hospitals from overseas.


Watch on YouTube

16 October 2024 Home Page, News

Caring for patients at KEMH

Tuesday 15 October 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board has posted a frequently asked questions (FAQ) on its website that explains how patients are cared for and by whom at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH).

CEO & President Scott Pearman says: “We want to demystify as much as possible how care works at KEMH. BHB follows the same quality standards as the UK, US, and Canada, with inpatient acute care led by onsite hospitalists on our acute care inpatient units, with other specialists leading in critical and emergency care units. We often get questions from patients about their inpatient care, especially about the role of their general practitioners (GPs) while they are in the hospital. We hope the factsheet posted on our website will help.”

Acting Chief of Medicine and Director of the Hospitalist Programme Dr Nevin Williams explains: “A common question is about the role of a patient’s GP while they are in hospital. In KEMH, a patient’s care is led by the ‘most responsible physician’ (MRP) and this will be the main contact for the patient and family. At KEMH, your most responsible physician may vary depending on the area you are in, but it will always be an on-site physician specialist with the most appropriate training for your care.”

  • In the Emergency Department, the MRP is an emergency physician.
  • For a patient admitted after planned surgery, the MRP will be the surgeon.
  • Patients admitted to an inpatient unit from the Emergency Department will have a hospitalist as an MRP.
  • If a patient becomes critically ill and is moved to the Intensive Care Unit, the MRP will be one of the anaesthetists trained in critical care.

Click here for a factsheet and click here for a short animation about the role of hospitalists on the inpatient acute care units.

The MRP directs the clinical team of nurses, allied health staff (such as physiotherapists and dietitians), and other doctors who might need to advise on a patient’s care, like a cardiologist (heart specialist) or geriatrician (a specialist in senior care). A BHB physician is only the MRP while the patient is in the hospital.

Dr Williams continues: “There are over 3,100 inpatient acute care admissions to KEMH each year, mostly cared for by hospitalists. Hospitalists are doctors with special training in internal medicine and hospital care. They are on site 24/7, so they can quickly respond to any sudden issue a patient experiences.

“The hospitalist’s key focus is providing acute care until a patient is discharged home to their GP. For over 60% of our patients, the hospital stay is under seven days. The relationship between the hospitalist and GP is therefore very important. The patient’s GP is notified by email when the patient is admitted to an inpatient acute care unit under a hospitalist’s care and information is sent when they are discharged to ensure patient care is coordinated when they leave the hospital. We are working to improve this communication, especially using our electronic medical record, PEARL.”

Chief of Family Practice Dr Burton Butterfield, the GP representative on the BHB Medical Staff Committee, acts as the link between community-based GPs and BHB.

Dr Butterfield explains: “As GPs we know our patients well since we see them over long periods of time. Our expertise is in caring for patients with illnesses and injuries in the community, managing chronic illnesses, and knowing when a patient needs hospital care or a specialist. It is important that GPs get timely and accurate information when a patient is admitted. We may speak with the hospitalists in cases where our understanding of the patient’s history may help in making decisions, but most critical for us is getting the discharge summary so we can smoothly coordinate the patient’s care back in the community.”

Dr Williams notes: “BHB is responsible for sending a patient’s discharge summary to the GP listed on the patient’s admission file, but it’s very important patients confirm their most current information, including their primary GP. They should do this when they come to the Emergency Department or are admitted. It is not uncommon for members of our community to sometimes have more than one GP or change their GP over time. Making sure we have the right details ensures the information goes to the right GP.”

Currently, GPs receive BHB discharge summaries by fax, email or by having read access to the BHB electronic medical record, PEARL. BHB is planning to follow the lead in the UK by discontinuing the use of fax in the future due to issues of reliability and confidentiality . This requires collaboration between BHB and community physicians. The chief medical information officer position, held by Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Simon Morton, is being expanded to lead the work required, and a physician committee that includes GPs is already meeting to help optimise the use of PEARL in sharing secure and confidential patient information.

15 October 2024 Home Page, News

Bermuda Public Services Union partners with BHB for Mental Health Expo

Thursday 10 October 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) has partnered with the Bermuda Public Services Union (BPSU) for its upcoming Mental Health Expo, scheduled for Saturday 12 October 2024 from 1pm to 4:30pm at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI).

The two organisations joined forces after BHB’s planned Mental Health Awareness Fair, set for World Mental Health Day on Thursday, was cancelled due to forecasted heavy winds. The joint event on Saturday will now feature a broader range of participation from mental health professionals, expanding the scope and impact of the Expo.

“We’re delighted that the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute team will have a greater presence than initially planned,” said Karen Grant-Simmons, BHB clinical director of mental health and BPSU chairperson of the Mental Health Campaign Committee. “We look forward to continuing this collaboration to benefit our Bermuda community.”

Psychiatric nurse Rebecca Fisayo, chair of BHB’s Mental Health Awareness Committee and clinical manager of community mental health, expressed similar sentiments: “Our disappointment with the cancellation of Thursday’s fair was quickly reversed at the BPSU’s  willingness for us to partner with them for Saturday’s event.”

Bro. Armell Thomas, President of the BPSU, emphasised the importance of unity in these efforts: “As a union, we believe in the strength of collaboration. When BHB, one of our largest bargaining units, approached us, we did not hesitate to join forces. Together, we are stronger, and we believe this partnership will greatly benefit Bermuda.”

BHB CEO & President Scott Pearman agreed.

“Efforts like this strengthen our community partnerships and ultimately benefit Bermuda as a whole,” he said. “We are proud to work alongside the BPSU for the Mental Health Expo.”

The Expo will offer various interactive booths, providing resources and support to address workplace and community mental health challenges. The collaboration between BPSU and BHB ensures an even more comprehensive and impactful event for the community.


10 October 2024 Home Page, News

BHB to host Mental Health Awareness Fair

Sunday 6 October 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board will host a mental health awareness fair on Thursday 10 October 2024 to celebrate World Mental Health Day. The free public event will take place on the grounds of City Hall in Hamilton. Health Minister Kim Wilson will lead the opening ceremony at 11:45am.

The theme for mental health awareness this year is ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health.’

Fair attendees will enjoy fun activities many based on the movement theme. They will also be able to access mental health information from our Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute team members and from community agencies.

“We are pleased to see that the emphasis is growing in our community of the importance in caring for our mental wellness just as we care for our physical bodies,” said BHB Acting Chief of Staff and Chief of Psychiatry Dr Anna Neilson Williams. “Our teams both at the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute and in the community are dedicated to assisting those with mental illness and those with mental health challenges, to live as independently as they can, through various treatment therapies and support.

“Every one of us has mental health and should do all they can to safeguard it,” she said. “We are working hard to rid our community of any stigma about mental illness. This will pave the way for all of us to be comfortable sharing how we feel with friends and family and to have no apprehension when we need to seek professional assistance.

‘We invite the entire community to increase their knowledge about mental health and mental illnesses, and our fair provides an easy way to do this.”

The free BHB Mental Health Awareness Fair will be open from 12pm to 4pm.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 Public Events Schedule

6 October 2024 News