BHB seeks community input into improving patient flow

Friday 26 January 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today asks people who have been an inpatient at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital to fill in a short survey about their experience and to provide details about where they experienced delays.

The survey is part of a 100 day challenge that started on 1 December, with the goal of improving internal processes that impact patient flow through King Edward VII Memorial Hospital. The survey can be accessed at:

CEO & President Scott Pearman notes that while many discharge delays relate to external service availability, BHB wants to do all it can to ensure its internal processes are as efficient as possible.

“Our longest delays are due to external factors,” Mr Pearman says, “but the challenge we have set ourselves is whether the inpatient who was in hospital for seven days could have been discharged in five or six if our internal processes were more efficient.

“The 100 Day Challenge and survey feed into our larger people-centred care journey. While we are looking at our data to help us identify where improvements can be made, patients and their families have lived experience that can help illuminate issues that are impacting them.”

The executive sponsor of the challenge, Chief of Nursing Judy Richardson, says the initiative is a way to focus multiple teams on what is a collective responsibility, to learn as much as possible where the delays are and to either test an improvement or identify longer term or more complex changes that will be picked up past the 100 days.

“This challenge is about how we collaborate and work internally,” Mrs Richardson explains. “From diagnostic imaging to the inpatient wards, environmental services to porters, lab services to individual specialists, we are asking our staff across areas to improve the patient journey. If inpatients need an MRI, for example, how can we make sure they are seen within a day of the referral. We can’t solve everything in 100 days, but the challenge is to learn and test as much as we can.”

Keltie Jamieson, Chief Hospital Information Officer adds, “Our electronic medical record, PEARL, will help us collate data and see what is happening around the organisation. This data is a big help in identifying and measuring change, but the heart of the project is engaging staff, patients and families around the single focus of improving patient flow.

“This survey is available for people who want to provide details about their patient journey, and the 100 Day Challenge team is speaking with patients and their families while they are in hospital so we fully understand and incorporate their feedback when making changes.”

The 100 Day Challenge ends in March, and BHB will provide an update in April of the Challenge outcomes.

Pictured left to right above discussing data in the 100 Day Challenge Command Centre are BHB staff Martin Maurais, Quality Manager; Olievia Martins, Clinical Informatics Specialist; and Karen Raynor, Clinical Director Medical Surgical Services.

26 January 2024 Home Page, News

Bermuda’s first baby of 2024 is born

Wednesday 3 January 2024: Bermuda’s first baby of 2024 was born on Tuesday 2 January 2024 at 5.37pm. Isabelle Clare Faries weighted 6 lbs and 7 ounces and Bermudian parents Ryan and Lyndsay Faries say they’ll call her ‘Bella’.

“Bella was a ‘fast and furious’ baby,” says Ryan. “We arrived at the hospital at 4:30pm and she was born just over an hour later.”

Bella has an older brother, Theo, who is three years old. “He’s really excited to meet his new sister,” Lyndsay says.

“We are really grateful to all the nurses and our doctor,” adds Ryan. “They have been friendly, kind and helpful throughout the whole experience.”


3 January 2024 Home Page, News

Valentine’s Day Raffle encourages more people to donate blood

Tuesday 2 January 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board today announces a  ‘bring-a-friend’ raffle being run by the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre. Starting on Tuesday 2 January 2024, if an existing blood donor brings another person who hasn’t donated before to donate blood, both the existing and new donor will be put in a draw for one of six $250 Masters gift certificates. The draw will be made on Valentine’s Day on Wednesday 14 February 2024.

“Masters has donated a number of gift certificates to us and we will be using them throughout the year as we find different ways to thank our donors,” says Lucy Correia, Nurse Phlebotomist. “As this raffle ends on Valentine’s Day we want to see people bring a new donor – it could be a friend, colleague or loved one. Both our regular and new donor to have a chance to win.”

“We always need more blood donors, but we also need people who can donated platelets, which is a special type of donation called apheresis,” Lucy adds. “First time blood donors can be tested to see if they fit the criteria. Platelets are used for patients who have compromised immune systems, such as cancer and leukaemia patients.”

Lucy also notes that people who spent time in the UK can also now donate. She says, “People who had spent time in the UK between 1980 and 1996 can now donate. This criteria was relaxed last year following scientific evidence that it was safe to do so.”

People who want to book an appointment to donate blood should contact the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre by phone 236-5067, WhatsApp 533-9553 or email The blood donation site also has more information and the latest criteria for donating.

2 January 2024 Home Page, News

BHB purchases Craig Appin building under favourable terms

Tuesday 2 January 2024: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today announced it has purchased Craig Appin House in Hamilton in a favourable deal that protects it from future rental increases.

BHB has rented space in Craig Appin for over ten years, after it had to decant its Human Resources, ITS and Finance offices from the Queen Elizabeth Nurses Residence in 2011 due to its poor physical condition. Over 100 BHB employees work in the building, including a medical concierge service that assists patients with medical travel.

The QENR was on the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital campus next to Berry Hill Road. Its construction was completed in May 1960 and originally housed nurses coming to Bermuda from overseas. It was demolished in 2016 following assessments that it would be too costly to try and repair and maintain.

Chief Financial Officer, Arthur Ebbin, comments: “I would very much like to thank the owners of Craig Appin who offered BHB favourable and flexible terms for the purchase. BHB will pay the same amount it has been paying each year in rent as it pays for the building. This means we have been able to afford the purchase based on our cash flow. Rental income from other services in the building will help offset maintenance costs for the immediate future. Critically, this deal protects us from the rental market increases in Hamilton over the coming years and provides us with options for estate planning to benefit our services to the community.”

As is required, the deal was approved by the Minister of Health and Minister of Finance, as well as the BHB Board and Executive.

2 January 2024 Home Page, News

Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre will be closed on Christmas and Boxing Days

22 December 2023: Bermuda Hospitals Board wishes the public a safe and happy holiday weekend. If urgent medical care is required the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre (UCC) in St. David’s, will be open from 9am to 9pm on Saturday and Sunday. It will be closed on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 December.

Please note that if your condition is serious, attendance at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) may still be necessary. BHB also reminds the public that emergency department physicians attend to patients in order of the severity of their condition.

If you need to contact the UCC call 298-7730. To contact KEMH Emergency Department call 239-2009.


22 December 2023 Home Page, News

Scott Pearman appointed as BHB CEO from January 2024

Monday 18 December 2023: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today announces that Deputy CEO R Scott Pearman has been appointed as the new chief executive officer (CEO) & president of BHB following a competitive recruitment process. He will take over the position after Michael Richmond MD leaves at the end of December 2023. Dr Richmond is leaving having successfully completed his contract.

Mr Pearman first joined BHB in 1996 as employee labour relations manager. He was appointed the director of human resources in 2000 and then vice president of physician relations in December 2006. Following a promotion to chief of business development in 2010, Mr Pearman was appointed as chief operating officer at KEMH the following year. In February 2017, his COO role was expanded to include the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute. He was appointed as deputy chief executive officer in 2020.

Mr Pearman has a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the University of Rhode Island, a Master of Labour Relations and Human Resources from Michigan State University, a Master of Business Administration from Queen’s University, and a professional human resources certification from the Society of Human Resources Management.

Chairman of the BHB Board Matthew Pifer comments: “First I would like to thank Dr Richmond for his six years of service to the BHB and the people of Bermuda, first as chief of staff and then chief executive officer. He was at the forefront of BHB’s COVID pandemic response, oversaw a successful electronic medical record implementation, and developed a new strategic plan that focused the organisation on quality and continuous improvement. We all wish him the very best as he returns home to the UK.

“On behalf of the Board, we are immensely pleased to announce Mr Pearman as the new CEO, taking on this critical role of leading Bermuda’s hospitals. He has shown great leadership in the role of deputy CEO, exemplified by the implementation of the integrated health care programme. Mr Pearman’s appointment following a competitive recruitment process highlights the success of the executive development process at BHB. This is a critical time for public health in Bermuda and Mr. Pearman is uniquely qualified to lead the BHB in its continuing mission to serve the country’s healthcare needs. He enjoys the full support of the Board and we are excited for the future of the BHB under his leadership.

Minister of Health Kim Wilson, JP MP, comments: “It is a great pleasure to have a qualified Bermudian to take over as CEO at BHB, someone with deep experience of Bermuda’s healthcare challenges. Mr Pearman’s many years at BHB along with his growth through continuous learning and development opportunities have prepared him well to take the helm of BHB. I congratulate Mr Pearman on his appointment and look forward to seeing the continued improvement of BHB services in partnership with Government and other community partners and individuals.”

Mr Pearman comments: “I am looking forward to taking on the role of CEO in January.  I’d like to thank Dr Richmond who I have worked closely with as BHB has made progress towards implementing its strategy over the last few years, as well as the Board and my BHB colleagues for their support. I’m looking forward to continuing the drive to improve quality and value at BHB. I remain passionate about our pursuit of excellence, even as we navigate the challenges ahead, working with the wonderful staff at BHB and our many partners in government and the community.”

18 December 2023 Home Page, News

Only visit your loved ones in hospital if you feel well

Friday 15 December 2023: Bermuda Hospitals Board today reminded people not to visit patients in hospital if they have respiratory symptoms, including patients in acute and critical care, Gosling (children’s) and maternity units, and residents in long term care units and group homes.

With figures for respiratory illnesses rising in Bermuda, individuals should also inform staff if they have symptoms and have an appointment or procedure planned.  They should call the services before arriving on-site and reschedule, unless it is an emergency.

People who have respiratory symptoms but have to attend the Emergency Department due to a medical issue must wear masks on entering a BHB facility to protect other patients.  A mask can be provided in the Emergency Department.

Dr Wesley Miller, Chief of Staff comments: “While we are no longer in a pandemic, COVID is still circulating and even the regular respiratory illnesses such as flu, colds and RSV can be dangerous for the more vulnerable members of our community, including older people, those who are already unwell and newborns. We ask people to help protect those most at risk by being considerate and not coming to BHB if they have symptoms, unless it is an emergency. For people who need to be on-site who are themselves vulnerable, a mask is recommended and those who are visiting patients they know are vulnerable should consider wearing a mask while close to their loved one in case they are infectious but asymptomatic.”




15 December 2023 Home Page, News

Blood Donor Centre Call for O-Positive Blood Donations

Wednesday 6 December 2023: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) is asking people with O-positive blood to donate. Donors and potential donors are asked to call 236-5067 to make an appointment.

If you are unsure about your blood type but are willing to donate, please contact the Bermuda Blood Donor Centre at (441) 236-5067 or, by WhatsApp at (441) 533-9553.  Appointments are preferred, although walk-ins are accepted.

The Bermuda Blood Donor Centre is located at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 2:30pm, and on Friday from 8:30am to 1pm. It is closed on weekends and public holidays.

The Bermuda Blood Donor Centre team thanks the community for their kind assistance in ensuring they can continue to save lives.

More information about blood donation is available online at


6 December 2023 Home Page, News

Green is good for your mental wellness

Wednesday 29 November 2023: The management and staff of the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute are urging the public again this year to be mindful of their mental health particularly in this holiday season. Starting on Friday evening, you will notice a soft green light illuminating the Acute Care Wing main entrance of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH).

“Green is the international colour for mental health awareness,” says BHB Chief of Psychiatry Dr Anna Neilson-Williams. “It has been identified as alleviating stress and allowing healing. It’s a colour of nature and in Bermuda, is all around us. There is also significant evidence that being around nature is restorative for our mental health,” she adds.

Dr Neilson-Williams also notes: “The holidays can be a stressful time of year for many different reasons; expectations -including the expectation you should be happy, financial stress, holiday preparation, family conflict, changed weather or spending the holidays alone.

“Coming together with families can also be a source of stress, it is important to set boundaries and to avoid conflict wherever possible. Saying no to situations may actually be a positive for your mental wellness.

“Take a break from social media – constantly comparing yourself to apparent ‘picture perfect’ holidays are unhealthy and unrealistic. This can also lead to feelings of loneliness or emptiness as the expectation is we are having an amazing time all through the holidays.”

Dr Neilson-Williams suggests people try to identify things they are grateful for, that they consider volunteering or identify ways they may be able to be around others to lessen any feelings of loneliness.

“Ahead of any gift buying, set a budget within your means, to avoid January bills arriving with further stress,” she advises. “Essentially try to do things in moderation, as it can be tempting to overindulge.

“And on the green theme, please get out and about around the island,” she says. “Take a walk on one of the railways trails or in a park. You will most likely feel much calmer after doing so.”

At dusk on Friday 1 December, we will turn on the lighting as a reminder to the public to take care of their mental wellbeing,” says Acting Chief Operating Officer Preston Swan. “The lights will remain on every evening for the entire month, so as you drive along Point Finger Road, remember the green light means you should breathe deeply, pause from your hurriedness, and savour at least a moment of relaxation. It’s good for your mental health.”


29 November 2023 Home Page, News