Public Advisory: No through road vehicular or pedestrian traffic at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital on Wednesday 26 October 2022

25 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board advises the public that there will be no through traffic on the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) campus between Point Finger and Berry Hill Roads on Wednesday 26 October 2022 from noon to 4pm.

A crane will be in the road outside the old Emergency Department lifting materials for service elevator renovation.

Emergency vehicles and people attending the Emergency Department should use the Point Finger Road entrance. Ambulances will enter and exit on Point Finger Road. KEMH and the visitor parking lots will still be accessible from both Point Finger Road (Acute Care Wing) and Berry Hill Road (General Wing and Agape House). Traffic will not be able to travel between the General Wing lobby roundabout and Berry Hill Road.

Pedestrians accessing the hospital from the Berry Hill Road side will be impacted. For your safety and the safety of others, please use caution and adhere to the barriers, signage and directions of the security officers.

Bermuda Hospitals Board apologises to the public for any inconvenience caused by the disruption.


25 October 2022 Home Page, News

BHB Primary Stroke Centre celebrates Stroke Awareness Week


Monday 24 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) urges the public to learn the signs and symptoms of stroke. Saturday 29 October is World Stroke Day, and this week BHB’s Primary Stroke Centre team wants to increase community awareness of this condition, which is on the rise in Bermuda.

“Every second counts when treating someone who is experiencing a stroke,” said BHB consultant neurologist Dr Kehinde Kolapo. “We really need everyone on the island to recognise when someone is having a stroke, and to get them to the hospital right away.

Signs of Stroke Illustration“BE FAST. These two words can really help everyone remember the symptoms.

“B is for balance. People who become dizzy or lose their sense of balance could be experiencing a stroke.

“E is for eyes. A stroke may cause sudden blurred vision.

“F is for face. If one side of the face starts to droop, it could signify a stroke.

“A is for arms. Sudden weakness in an arm, or a leg, is another symptom of stroke.

“S is for speech. Those experiencing a stroke may have slurred or unintelligible speech, or they may not be able to speak.

“T is for time, which means you need to get the person to the Emergency Department as soon as possible.”

“There are some types of stroke for which we can administer a drug that bursts the blood clot, effectively ending the stroke,” said Dr Kolapo, “but there is a very short window of time in which it is safe to do this.”

BHB’s Primary Stroke Centre attained distinction certification from Accreditation Canada in April for its acute stroke and inpatient rehabilitation service standards. Its committed team of professionals is passionate about not only providing the best care to patients, but also decreasing the number of people who experience strokes.

“We are tackling prevention by educating the public,” said VP KEMH Clinical Operations Sita Ingram, a member of the Primary Stroke Centre Working Group. “BE FAST is the message we need every resident to know and adhere to.

“Free wallet-sized BE FAST cards are available this week at the Bermuda Diabetes Association, and the reception desks at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute.”

Chief of Staff Dr Wesley Miller said: “We also draw the public’s attention to the full Accreditation Canada report on the Primary Stroke Centre’s distinction certification. It is available on our website at”

Click here to access the report.

Accreditation Canada conducted an onsite survey at BHB from 28 February to 3 March 2022, interviewing staff, stroke patients, their families and Primary Stroke Centre partner organisations.

BHB CEO and President Dr Michael Richmond said: “Stroke distinction certification is the highest commendation a stroke centre can receive in the Accreditation Canada system, and this aligns with BHB’s vision to pursue excellence through improvement, to make Bermuda proud.”

The Accreditation Canada Stroke Distinction surveyors highlighted the areas below in their report as examples of successes within BHB Primary Stroke Centre services:

  • leadership and organisation support
  • knowledgeable and committed staff
  • collaboration with Johns Hopkins Medicine International (JHMI)
  • alignment of the integrated stroke programme plan with the organisation’s strategic plan
  • community partnerships
  • communication and promotion of the stroke programme


Primary Stroke Centre History

Recognising in 2018 that strokes had become an epidemic on the island, BHB took steps to address the problem. In July 2019, BHB launched its Primary Stroke Centre, part of a clinical affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine International. Since that time, stroke patient outcomes have significantly improved in Bermuda, due to a more clearly defined process for managing stroke patients, together with a robust national campaign highlighting the signs and symptoms of stroke and the importance of attending the hospital immediately.

At its peak, 14% of those who experienced a stroke were able to receive a clot-busting drug that increased their chances of fully recovering. Not all stroke patients are eligible to receive the drug.

In 2021, then Primary Stroke Centre Director Dr Francene Gayle said: “This figure is impressive and is almost double the 7% average of primary stroke centres in the US.”

BHB’s Primary Stroke Centre also made history with its first trans-oceanic mechanical thrombectomy case. In this instance, a local patient with a major blockage in a major artery of the brain was diagnosed and airlifted to The Johns Hopkins Hospital within 17 hours. The patient received lifesaving thrombectomy surgery and is likely the first in the world to have experienced the trans-oceanic service.

24 October 2022 Home Page, News

Urgent call for blood donations

Wednesday 19 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) is calling for members of the public to donate blood, especially people with O positive blood. Please call 236-5067 to make an appointment.

Consultant Haematologist Dr Eyitayo Fakunle said: “Stocks of O positive blood in particular are currently lower than we want, and we are making an urgent plea to the community for people to become blood donors. Safe blood saves lives and improves health. It is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person.

“People can contact the Blood Donor Centre at (441) 236-5067, via WhatsApp at (441) 533-9553 or by email at Appointments are preferred, although walk-ins are accepted. Those who don’t know their blood type are still encouraged to contact the team.

“The Bermuda Blood Donor Centre is located at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, and is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 2:30pm and on Friday from 8:30am to 1pm.

“All of us in the Blood Donor Centre thank our community for your kind assistance in ensuring we can continue to save lives.”

More information about blood donation is available at

19 October 2022 Home Page, News

Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre services to open weekends only for a month

Wednesday 19 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today notes that the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre (UCC) will close on weekdays from Wednesday 19 October, for at least a month. The UCC will remain open during its usual hours on weekends from 9am to 9pm. This only relates to urgent care services, and does not impact the weekly Integrated Healthcare Clinic that runs on Wednesdays.

Chief of Emergency Dr Chikezie Dean Okereke notes: “The closure on weekdays helps us focus emergency staff at KEMH to manage the pressures being felt in the emergency department. Emergency visits right now are high and bed occupancy within BHB is also under pressure, so we are focusing our nurse and physician resources where the most unwell patients are. This has happened to us before as we move into the colder months. The emergency patient numbers are not related to any one cause. They are multifactorial and include, among others, a generally unwell and increasingly aging population. We expect the UCC will remain closed on weekdays for at least a month, but we will continually review the situation.”

Chief of Staff Dr Wesley Miller adds: “There are ways we each can reduce the need for emergency visits that are better for our quality of life as well as reducing pressure in the hospital. We would urge people to manage their known chronic illnesses and see their GP as needed for advice and treatment, before it requires a hospital visit.

“We are also entering a time when respiratory illnesses are rising. People should do all they can to protect themselves by getting their flu and COVID vaccines, especially if they are older or have pre-existing conditions that make them vulnerable to serious complications. We also want to see people drive more carefully on the roads, avoiding unnecessary and sometimes very serious injuries.

“Finally, we ask that people who are ready for discharge are helped home or to a nursing placement by their loved ones and families. We still experience people staying in hospital longer than they need to be and this causes delays that impact emergency staff as patients wait there longer for an inpatient bed.”

19 October 2022 Home Page, News

Arthur Ebbin appointed as BHB chief financial officer

Friday 14 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today announces that Arthur Ebbin Jr, BBA, CPA, has been appointed as its chief financial officer (CFO), replacing Bill Shields, who is leaving at the beginning of November. The CFO position reports to the CEO & president and the Board of BHB. Mr Ebbin’s appointment is effective Monday 7 November.

As CFO, Mr Ebbin will oversee all fiscal and fiduciary responsibilities for BHB, along with the efficient financial administration of BHB. He will lead the development and implementation of BHB’s financial strategy, with a commitment to uphold ethical and professional standards in all matters relating to BHB’s finances.

CEO & President Michael Richmond comments: “I’m very pleased to welcome Arthur Ebbin to the role of chief financial officer at BHB. This is a critical role, with responsibility for the financial stewardship of the hospitals. Arthur’s history at BHB, and his qualifications and experience in maintaining sound financial management and effective financial strategies made him the ideal candidate.

“We are very grateful to Bill Shields, who is leaving BHB to go home to the UK. Over the last five years, he has undertaken sterling work in managing BHB finances through increasing financial pressures, not least from the pandemic. It is a testament to BHB’s commitment to succession planning and development, however, that we have a well-prepared and qualified Bermudian to take over in what continue to be challenging times.”

Having joined BHB nearly 10 years ago in 2013 as assistant financial controller, Mr Ebbin was promoted to controller of operations in 2016-17, and acted in the role of vice president of finance over the same period. He was appointed as director of business finance in 2017. From 2018, Mr Ebbin was the vice president of business finance at BHB.

Prior to working at BHB, Mr Ebbin held finance positions at various companies in Bermuda, although his very first job was a police constable for the Bermuda Police Service, a post he held from 1979 to 1987. Mr Ebbin achieved a Bachelor of Business Administration from Acadia University in 1991 and went on to gain his chartered professional accountant designation in 1994. He completed certificates in healthcare change management and executive healthcare leadership from Cornell University in 2022.

14 October 2022 Home Page, News

HAB donates biomedical van

Wednesday 12 October 2022: The Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (HAB) today announces it has donated a van to Bermuda Hospitals Board’s (BHB’s) Biomedical Engineering Department.

Patrick Cerra, HAB executive member, commented: “HAB is delighted to donate this bio-medical van to the hospital. It should be noted that this is just part of our annual donation programme, in which we typically donate over $300,000 to the hospital to purchase off-budget medical equipment and supplies.”

The Biomedical Engineering Department is responsible for maintaining, installing and safely using healthcare technology at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH), Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute (MWI), Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre (UCC) and group homes. They perform routine checks to catch problems before they become life threatening or extend wait times for critical diagnostics, such as MRIs, CAT scans, X-rays and mammograms. They also respond to emergencies if medical equipment needs repairs. With the purchase of the new van, the team will be able to quickly respond to calls for assistance with technology.

“Every year the HAB works with BHB to assist with our goal to pursue excellence through improvement, to make Bermuda proud,” said BHB CEO & President Dr Michael Richmond. “We are grateful for this donation from the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda that helps keep care services running.”

BHB Biomedical Engineering Manager E Michael Smith said: “On behalf of the biomedical team, I would like to thank the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda for their thoughtful donation. This new vehicle will allow the biomed team to better serve our clients throughout all BHB facilities.

“We make weekly rounds to the UCC, MWI and KEMH as well as to the group homes to service the various types of medical equipment. We will no longer be challenged to provide the needed service to our clients in those locations with this new transportation, and for that we are very thankful.”

12 October 2022 Home Page, News

Residents rate their mental health

Monday 10 October 2022: Today is World Mental Health Day. In Bermuda, the theme for this year is Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for All a Bermuda Priority.

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) commissioned questions in September’s Bermuda Omnibus survey.  The results showed more residents between 18 and 35 rated their mental health as being worse since the pandemic than those in older age groups. Thirty-two residents in this age group deemed their mental  health somewhat worse or much worse than before the pandemic, compared with 21 people in the 36-64 year category and 17 in the over 65 group. In total 22% of survey respondents felt their mental health had declined since the pandemic.

“The survey result is indicative of what many parents have found anecdotally with their college-aged children,” said BHB Chief of Psychiatry Dr Anna Neilson-Williams. “While each person and their set of circumstances are unique, the impact of lockdowns in not being able to socialise or receive education in a more typical format, combined with feeling imprisoned and isolated, has caused increased depression and anxiety for many. Experiencing the rapidity of how life across the world was forced to change also caused fear, anxiety and depression, particularly in young adults.”

“It is important and encouraging to note that the vast majority of survey respondents (59%) felt their mental health had not significantly changed since the pandemic,” said Dr Neilson-Williams. “But for anyone experiencing difficulties, we can help.”

Respondents were also asked to list factors that prevented them from prioritising their mental health. The majority, (36%) said nothing was stopping them. Twenty-eight percent said work, 10% listed money/finances or not enough time, while 9% said caring for others/family was the reason.

“We encourage everyone in the community to pause and consider their mental health, and to actively care for it in the same way that we take care of our physical health,” said Dr Neilson-Williams. “Exercise can positively impact your mental health, and activities like walking and swimming are free. We live on such a beautiful island, experiencing nature can be very restorative and calming, thus just getting outside can help. Sixty percent, the overwhelming majority, of those surveyed said it’s what they do to improve their mental health.

Reading a book was a distant second at 15%, spending time with family at 13%, and yoga/meditation/relaxation at 11%.”

BHB is committed to providing services through Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute to ensure good mental health and wellness are available to all in Bermuda.


The full Bermuda Omnibus – BHB Report is available below.

Q3 2022 Bermuda Omnibus – BHB Report

BMO Q3 2022Bermuda Omnibus – BHB Report Tabular Results

10 October 2022 Home Page, News

Community Intellectual Disability Team unveils new aquatic therapies

Sunday 2 October 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board’s Community Intellectual Disability Team (CIDT) highlighted new aquatic therapies at their Exceptional Fall BBQ Celebration yesterday.

Members of the community with intellectual disabilities, together with their family and friends, attended the free event at Clearwater Beach. Hosted by the CIDT, the social event was not only a fun get together for all, but also allowed BHB clinicians to showcase new aquatic therapies.

“Aquatic therapy is a form of therapeutic exercise done in water,” said Chris Cunningham, CIDT clinical manager. “It is especially beneficial to those with intellectual or developmental disabilities who don’t have access to land-based activities.

“We are also exploring some new ground with the aqua therapy happening in the ocean rather than in a regular pool setting. Not everyone has access to a swimming pool, so this opens up new possibilities with the added benefit of using the beautiful and unique beaches and ocean that surround the island. This may also give us opportunities for research on using the ocean for this type of therapy.”

“Aquatic therapy is a safe and effective alternative way for our clients and others with intellectual disabilities to get vitally important physical exercise,” said Sally Teixeira, CIDT physiotherapist.

“Here in Bermuda we just love the water. We are so excited to get this new therapeutic option started and to see the benefits for clients who utilise it,” she added.

The Exceptional Fall BBQ Celebration was the second social event the CIDT held this year. In June, to mark the first anniversary of the formation of the team, they held A Fete of Exceptionalities at the Warwick Parish Council Field.

Feedback from attendees there resulted in this second event.

“A Fete of Exceptionalities and Exceptional Fall BBQ Celebration are part of a series our Community Intellectual Disability Team has created, focusing on public engagement that highlights our goal of social inclusion for everyone,” said MWI Clinical Director of Intellectual Disability Morrisa Rogers.

2 October 2022 Home Page, News

Pink lights at KEMH for breast cancer awareness

Friday 30 September 2022: The main entrance of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital will be bathed in a soft pink light every night during the month of October. The light is to remind the public to manage their breast health and to highlight breast cancer awareness.

Last year Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) upgraded its 2D mammography unit to a 3D unit. The GE Pristina machine produces significantly clearer images. Research has shown that more cancers are detected with 3D mammography than with 2D.

BHB also has an automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) unit that can soon be used as an adjunct to the mammogram service, for people with dense breast tissue. Research shows that using the ABUS increases by 35.7 percent, the potential to find cancers that would not have been found with mammography alone.

Physician referrals are not required for mammograms at BHB. Members of the public 40 and over are advised to have a scan annually. Those who have a family history of breast cancer can contact the BHB mammography unit directly on 239- 1223 for advice on when they should be scanned.

30 September 2022 Home Page, News

Community Intellectual Disability Team to host Exceptional Fall event

Thursday 29 September 2022: Bermuda Hospitals Board’s Community Intellectual Disability Team (CIDT) will be hosting Exceptional Fall BBQ Celebration on Saturday 1 October following postponement of the Exceptional Summer BBQ Celebration, which was slated for the end of August.

“This is the second social event we’ve created this year specifically for our intellectual disability community and their families,” said Chris Cunningham, manager of CIDT. “To mark the first anniversary of our team, we held A Fete of Exceptionalities in June at the Warwick Parish Council Field. That was so well received that we decided to create another social event.”

Exceptional Fall BBQ Celebration will take place on Saturday 1 October at Clearwater Beach from 11am-2pm.

“The main objectives of these events are to provide our clients with safe space for meaningful interaction with the general community and their peers,” said Morrisa Rogers, clinical director of intellectual disability. “It’s our hope that other event organisers will, through our example, understand how to make inclusion possible for those with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Diversity and inclusion have far reaching positive effects on all members of our community.”

29 September 2022 Home Page, News