BHB road traffic accident statistics for January to March 2021

Thursday 27 May 2021: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) road traffic accident statistics for the period 1 January 2021 – 31 March 2021 show 96 cases were seen in February and 106 in March in the Emergency Department of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre.  In February ten people had to be admitted to an acute care unit due to their injuries. In March nine people had be admitted, three to the ICU.

You can download a copy of the most recent statistics below.

BHB RTA stats for the period 1 Jan 2021 -31 March 2021

2020 BHB Road Traffic Accident Statistics for the period 1 January – 31 December

2019 Bermuda Hospitals Board Road Traffic Accident Statistics 1 January – 31December

2018 Bermuda Hospitals Board Road Traffic Accident Statistics 1 January – 31December

2017 Bermuda Hospitals Board Road Traffic Accident Statistics 1 January

2016 Bermuda Hospitals Board Road Traffic Accident Statistics 1 January


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