New Reclining Chairs Enhance Patient Experience at the Blood Donor Centre

The Red Cross Blood Donor Centre at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital recently installed five reclining chairs for their donors. The new Dacor recliners are ergonomically designed with automatic positioning for improved safety and comfort. Donors can now make adjustments with the touch of a button and have been unanimous in their praise of the equipment.

Purchase of the chairs was prompted by a generous contribution from donor Michael Mello and his wife, Lucy. The Mellos decided to fund a new chair in honour of their 18-year old cousin, Miguel Franco, who passed away last year following a road traffic accident.

“Although Miguel did not survive, we were grateful to the Blood Donor Centre for their efforts,” explains Lucy. “We felt donating a recliner was an appropriate way to honour Miguel’s memory.”

Blood donors were so pleased with the new chair, a decision was made by staff to purchase additional recliners for the facility.

“Our new chairs provide great arm support and have remote control for ease of operation,” explains Dr. Betsie Lombard, Medical Director of the Blood Transfusion Service. “Donors can control the height of their legs and can recline at various angles, which prevents any chance of lightheadedness.”

In the past, donors laid down on beds. “Now, clients can sit up or recline and relax, while reading books and magazines or chatting with each other,” said Sue de Verteuil, the Blood Donor Centre pathology nurse. “Donors have commented it feels less clinical than before and they can get in and out of the chairs easily. Providing a safe and comfortable experience for donors is our first priority.”

Gina Wilkinson, a regular blood donor who recently used the new recliner said, “I can’t say enough about how comfortable the new chair is. Staff have always been wonderful when I come to donate blood. With the new recliners, the atmosphere is even more relaxed and friendly and the experience is very positive.”

Notes: The Blood Donor Centre is run jointly by Bermuda Hospitals Board and Bermuda Red Cross. Set up in 1955 by the Red Cross, about 40 volunteers regularly assist BHB nursing staff and technologists at the clinic. Blood donor clinics operate on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30am to 2:30pm. Anyone interested in donating should call the Red Cross Blood Donor Centre at 236-5067 . Visit this link, produced by Bermuda Yellow Pages, to view what a donor experiences at the Blood Donor Centre:


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