BHB Begins Private Partner Selection Process for KEMH Redevelopment Project

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today releases its request for qualifications (RFQ) to the market, the first step in a two-phase process to identify a private partner that will design, build, finance and maintain new facilities on the existing King Edward VII Memorial Hospital site. The new facilities include an ambulatory care centre, a patient tower and a central utility plant.

BHB anticipates that the project will provide significant opportunities for Bermudians by bringing together bid teams that offer health care infrastructure experience, public private partnership (PPP) expertise and local knowledge. It is common on complex projects of this scope for the selected private partner (bid team) to be a consortium of several firms with relevant skills (design, construction, etc.). As such, BHB expects there will be opportunities for local firms to be involved in the project as part of consortium bidding on the project. In addition to creating opportunities for contractors and trades, BHB expects that various professionals will be retained to help bid teams prepare competitive proposals for the project.

In the first phase of the selection process, the Request for Qualifications (RFQ), interested bid teams will submit their qualifications to BHB. BHB will use pre-established evaluation criteria to assess each submission and develop a shortlist of bid teams that will proceed to the next phase – Request for Proposal (RFP). Details about how to become a registered party are available in the RFQ document.

The RFP document will thoroughly detail BHB’s very specific requirements for the new facilities. BHB’s staff and clinical, financial, legal, and technical advisory teams will be working together to prepare the significant documentation needed for the RFP.

Only shortlisted bidders will be asked to respond to the RFP. They will be required to submit binding proposals to design, build, finance, maintain and rehabilitate the facilities over the life of the project agreement, a period of approximately 30 years. BHB will evaluate the proposals based on pre-established criteria, and a successful bidder will be invited to enter into a project agreement with BHB.

BHB Deputy CEO Venetta Symonds says, “The release of the RFQ today is a key milestone in the delivery of Bermuda’s new acute care facilities. BHB is working diligently to ensure specifications for the new facilities will meet the future acute health care needs of Bermuda.”

The RFQ is available for review on BHB’s website. More detailed documents (e.g., questions and answers, addendum, etc.) will be available exclusively to registered parties, who have signalled their intent to participate in the competitive procurement process.

BHB is committed to the timely development of the new facilities. The procurement process begins today with the release of the RFQ, and is expected to culminate with the execution of the project agreement and financial close in late 2010.

Link 1: Link to the RFQ


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