HAB Fund Over $600,000 in New Equipment and Vehicles at BHB

Bermuda Hospitals Board and the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda today celebrated the arrival of two new ambulances and a van for the Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute today, all donated by the HAB at a cost of over $300,000. This is just a part of an allocation of over $600,000 that the HAB have agreed to pay BHB this year for the vehicles and much-needed equipment for the Emergency Department and Operating Rooms.

President, Liz Titterton, comments: “The HAB is proud to be able to utilize funds raised to purchase critical equipment which make a difference on the front line of patient care in the hospitals and benefit the entire community. I would like to thank our entire membership for their continued support and their tireless efforts. In addition thank you to all the patrons of our business enterprises who are a very integral part of our fundraising efforts.”

Mrs. Venetta Symonds, CEO, comments: “On behalf of staff and patients and BHB I would like to thank the HAB for all they do. Every year they support us by agreeing to fund much needed equipment and providing volunteers. Our ambulance fleet is aging and increasingly impacted by maintenance issues. We have been very grateful for the assistance of the St John’s Ambulance who helped when our vehicles have been out of service. The purchase of these new vehicles will enable us to rely on our own fleet, especially as we begin work with the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service to expand the service across the island. MWI service users will benefit greatly from accessing a new van to help transport them as needed, and in both Emergency and Surgery, people will benefit daily from the equipment HAB funds have donated.”

Equipment being funded by the HAB:
• Two ambulances for use by BHB Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)
• One van for transporting Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute service users
• A Glidescope and 2 Sonosite Ultrasoundschu Devices for the Emergency Department
• A Sterrad Sterilizer and Endoscopy Reprocessing Unit for the Operating Rooms

The HAB raises funds for BHB through their three business enterprises, The Barn, The Pink Cafe and the Gift Shop. They also receive donations and annual membership dues from their members. HAB volunteers work throughout many areas in the hospital, including Information Desk, CCU, Hospitality Cart, Lending Library, assisting patients with their menu selections on the Wards, Fracture Clinic, Pharmacy, Chapel Services as well as assisting overseas patients and their families. In addition to their adult volunteers, there are also 105 junior members of the Auxiliary, known as Candy Stripers. These students enter the program at age 14 and commit to a minimum of two years with the majority remaining in the program for 4 years. These students are trained in all areas that the adults train in as additional areas in the hospital such as such as Dialysis, Lab, Gosling, Maternity, Environmental Services, Surgical Admin, Laundry, ICU and Sterile Processing. The students work every school holiday and give the adults a much welcome relief. On average 36,500 hours of service are donated to the hospital every year by HAB adult and junior members.


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