Retiring Blood Donors Honoured

Three retiring blood donors have been honoured as part of World Blood Donor Week, as new donors are sought to take their place.

Consultant Haematologist, Dr Eyitayo Fakunle, comments:

“We are working very hard to increase the numbers of donors to ensure essential services for patients and mothers can continue. Only 2% of the eligible Bermuda population donate – this is small compared to the average of 6% in other developed countries. Our donors are also older and, once they reach, 70, they are no longer eligible to donate. Globally, 38% of donors are under the age of 25. In Bermuda, less than 4% of donors are under 25.

“Every year we lose a number of our senior donors. We have three of our long term donors here today who I am very pleased to recognize on behalf of the Blood Donor Centre. We wanted to recognize their long service in donating as they are having to retire as donors, but have been amazingly generous and regular blood donors for many years

“We collect 35 to 45 units of blood a week. We are very grateful to our regular donors who ensure we meet this quota, and very sad to bid these three donors goodbye. I hope that this will encourage someone new to step up and take their place.

“I would also to ask the donors to come up and receive certificates of recognition. Geoffrey Flint, who has donated blood since 2001. Rudolph Dowling, donated blood since 1987 and finally Jill Moniz who has donated blood since 1985.”

Jill Moniz, retiring blood donor, comments: ” Thank you Dr. Fakunle and Good afternoon everyone. I have been donating blood since the 1980s. And while I am having to retire as a donor I want to encourage others in the community to go that extra mile and call the donor centre 236 5067 to arrange an appointment to donate blood.

“I am passionate about donating. I benefited from a blood transfusion in 1975 due to a medical emergency. I realized then how important it is to become a blood donor giving back and perhaps saving someone’s life.
Since the 1980s I have donated numerous times and I want to stress that donating regularly is vital. Going once during and emergency, or just occasionally is good, but every three months or so ensures that people in Bermuda have the blood stock when they need it.The more people who sign up to donate and who then donate regularly the easier it is to maintain stock. The more lives saved, the more palliative treatment for cancer or sickle cell patients.

“As previously mentioned please call the blood donor centre at 236-5067 and make your first appointment There are three of us retiring from donation here today – we’ve collectively donated numerous times for blood and several times for apheresis since the 1980s. We need the next generation to pick up the baton and help save lives.

“The Blood Donor Centre looks forward to receiving your calls, so please do a good deed and call. Thank You.”


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