Bermuda Asked to Donate Blood in Preparation for Cup Match Holiday

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today asked people in Bermuda to donate blood before or just after the Cup Match holiday period, to ensure that blood stocks are maintained over the holiday period.

“Our regular donors are wonderful, but during the summer when people are on holiday it is a challenge for us to keep the number of donations at required levels, especially in the weeks around Cup Match,” notes Greg Shaw, Supervisor of the Blood Transfusion Service. “With more people off island, or out camping and enjoying the great summer weather, it is hard for us to maintain our blood stocks so we are asking people to come and donate. The number of our patients who have regular medical needs for donated blood does not drop during this time, while the increased traffic on the roads during the holidays always increases the potential for emergencies.”

Bermuda needs a minimum of 50 blood donations each week in order to meet the needs of patients with conditions such as anaemia, sickle cell disease, cancer and surgeries. During any holiday season there is a need to increase the minimum number of donor to be prepared for potential injuries where there is significant loss of blood.

“Our challenge is to ensure that no life is ever in danger due to low blood stocks,” notes Mr Shaw. “We recognise that people are focusing on their families and trying to enjoy a break at this time, but you never know when the person who needs blood is going to be you or someone you love. So we are asking that you help us save lives this Cup Match.”

Blood donor clinics this week are today on Tuesday 29th and tomorrow Wednesday 30th between 8.30am and 3pm. Next week they will run as usual on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.30am to 3.00pm. Anyone interested in donating should call the Red Cross Blood Donor Centre at 236-5067.

People who’d like to see what a donor goes through can visit the following link to see a short video produced by Bermuda Yellow Pages.


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