Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) Joins Global Campaign for Healthcare Quality Week

The hospital’s Quality and Risk Management Department (Q&RM) kicks off a campaign today, joining healthcare facilities around the world in celebrating Healthcare Quality Week. Activities for the week include a lobby display highlighting the influence of healthcare quality professionals in achieving improved patient care outcomes and healthcare delivery systems. Other events include Learning Lunches, quizzes, presentations and flu vaccinations for staff.

“The entire Q&RM team works to deliver the highest quality healthcare in the safest possible way to every patient who uses the hospital,” says Judy Richardson, Chief of Nursing, Q&RM. “Our job is to make sure the patient experience meets and exceeds expectations. We listen to patient concerns, respond quickly and work to find effective resolutions. When patients and their relatives visit my office, our job is being available to assist. We are here to provide safe, effective care, as well as offering support to patients and their families during difficult times.”

Preston Swan, Vice-President of Q&RM, is responsible for ensuring patient safety throughout BHB. “We are accountable for meeting the appropriate standards of care recognised internationally as best practice. We receive valuable input from patients through our monthly patient satisfaction surveys, which helps us identify potential risks within the organization and formulate strategies to reduce adverse events.”

The campaign will highlight how patient safety is the cornerstone of high quality healthcare. “The job of the Q&RM team is to drive quality care and services that are safe, effective, timely, patient-centered, efficient and equitable,” Preston adds. “Patients do not put their trust in sparkling new architecture or state-of-the-art equipment, but in simple things like the right to be safe, informed, heard, given choices and involved in their care. Every patient who comes to BHB should feel that his or her rights have been respected.”

Members of the team cover a range of safety and quality areas and are responsible for accreditation and compliance, patient safety, bed flow, infection prevention, disaster, occupational safety and health, clinical risk and patient advocacy.

The Infection Prevention and Control team ensures best practices are in place to reduce the risk of patients developing a healthcare-acquired infection. “We work with staff to ensure high rates of hand washing compliance, which is a major factor in reducing infections rates in hospitals,” explains Linda Rothwell, Clinical Manager Infection Prevention and Control. “We also work closely with construction teams that are renovating the current facility and building the new hospital to control risks and protect patients from airborne contaminants. This year marks the 25th anniversary of International Infection Prevention week, which is a milestone for our field.”

Eshe Coleman, an Accreditation and Compliance Manager, and her colleagues are responsible for implementing evidence-based, safe, best practices.”Our role is never complete- there are always opportunities to improve the delivery of care to our patients.”

Advocating for patients while they are in hospital is a service managed by Toni Bridgewater. “I work with patients and their loved ones to improve our services. When patients have a concern, I liaise with hospital staff to find solutions. Our goal is to improve patient satisfaction and respond to issues in a timely manner.”

Lorraine Beasley, Patient Safety Officer, makes sure patients have a voice in their own care and understand medical decisions. “I want our patients and their family members to know they play an important role in patient safety by speaking up and becoming more informed and involved in their care. Patients should not be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification when they don’t understand something.”


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