Bermuda Hospitals Board Maintains Accreditation and Improves Performance Compared to 2008

Bermuda Hospitals Board today announces it has received a Preliminary Report from Accreditation Canada that confirms it has maintained accreditation following the five day, on-site survey by five Accreditation Canada surveyors in May 2011. Compared to the same preliminary stage of the accreditation process in the last survey in 2008, BHB has met a higher percentage of Accreditation Canada standards, despite being tested against over 1,000 additional standards.

Bermuda Hospitals Board undergoes an accreditation survey every three years and is measured against the same patient safety standards as hospitals in Canada. All facilities are covered by the survey, including King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute and the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre. The preliminary report provides a forecast result six months before the final comprehensive report is filed in order to give the healthcare organisation under review the opportunity to make further improvements before a final result is announced.

The accreditation surveyors check that BHB is following required organizational practices for patient safety. Examples include the safe administration of medication to patients, preventing falls, ensuring surgical checklists are in place and working to prevent the spread of hospital-acquired infection. They also review strategic planning, community relationships and governance.

Chairman of the Board, Mr Herman Tucker, comments: “The Board is uncompromising in its expectations around the quality of the services provided by BHB and I congratulate staff on the very positive nature of the preliminary report and for successfully maintaining accreditation. It is especially gratifying to see an improvement compared to 2008. As Chairman, the positive view of our governance, strategic and financial planning was especially pleasing. Overall this year, we were measured against over 1,000 additional standards than in 2008, and yet we still improved the percentage met, from 92.86% to 97.7%. Well done, BHB. As a Board we remain committed to keeping this a transparent process and after the Preliminary Report is tabled in full in the July Board meeting, it will be made public.”

Deputy CEO, Mrs Venetta Symonds, comments: “As is normal in a preliminary accreditation report, Accreditation Canada identifies where healthcare organizations need to improve and what conditions are required for full accreditation in the final result. While we have maintained accreditation, we are working towards addressing the conditions highlighted, just as in 2008. The good news is that we have fewer conditions to address this time. However, it must be noted that improving quality in hospitals is a journey that never ends. Even after the final report, we will be monitoring adherence to current standards and expect new standards each year to keep raising the bar on the quality of our services. I would like to thank BHB staff for the work they are putting in every day to ensure that service excellence – encompassing the quality and standard of our service – remains something we focus on beyond accreditation, each and every day.”

Vice President of Quality & Risk Management, Preston Swan, notes: “While we have vastly reduced the number of unmet standards compared to 2008, which we take great pride in, the benefit of the accreditation process is that the surveyors can make suggestions and recommendations to further improve our quality of care. Accreditation is not a destination, it a brief stop on the journey, where we monitor how we are progressing and define our next steps. The five surveyors were all experienced healthcare professionals as well as experienced surveyors. All of us at BHB found it both exciting and rewarding to work with them with the sole focus of continuously improving the standards of our care.”

Comparison 2011 vs 2008 Preliminary Report:

• In 2008, there were 1,590 standards and 31 Required Organisational Practices surveyed. Of these, in the preliminary report, 92.86% were met and about 50% ROPs were met.

• In 2011, there were 2,651 standards and 35 Required Organisational Practices surveyed. Of these, in the preliminary report, 97.7% were met and 94.3% of the ROPs were met.

• In 2008, the Accreditation survey was carried out by three surveyors over three days. In 2011, the survey was carried out by five surveyors over five days.

• In 2008, BHB provided evidence that unmet standards and ROPs had been met and the final report gave BHB full accreditation without conditions. BHB is confident it can meet all outstanding conditions of the preliminary report and expects a final report from Accreditation Canada on the 2011 survey by the end of the year.

Highlights of the 2011 Preliminary Report:

• In the survey of efficiency standards (measuring whether BHB makes the best use of resources) BHB met 88 out of 91 applicable standards.

• In the survey of accessibility standards (providing timely and equitable services) BHB met 146 out of 147 applicable standards.

• BHB met all applicable standards relating to sustainable governance, effective organization, ambulatory care, critical care, mental health, obstetrics/perinatal care, operating rooms, substance abuse and surgical care.

• Improvements in specific areas were recommended by the surveyors and include improving patient education, upgrading the environment and food, improving understanding about the ethics committee, having computers in community homes, consistency of signage and improved communication.


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