Bermuda Police Service Win Corporate Blood Drive 2016

Bermuda Hospitals Board (“BHB”) and the Ministry of Health and Seniors is pleased to announce today that the Bermuda Police Service, is the winner of the Corporate Blood Drive 2015/16. The announcement is being made today as it is World Blood Donor Day.

This is the third Corporate Blood Drive that has taken place, and the Bermuda Police Service has been awarded the revolving trophy and a certificate to thank them for their commitment to saving lives and caring for those with therapeutic transfusion needs, such as sickle cell and cancer patients.

This year there were fourteen contestants: AIG, Ariel Re, Aon Group (Bermuda), The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Ltd., Butterfield & Vallis, Bermuda Government Department of Corrections, Bermuda Government Department of Accountant General, Bermuda Government -H. M. Customs, Bermuda Police Service, FIL Limited, Kitson Group of Companies, Validus Services, XL Catlin, and Zurich Bermuda

Minister of Health and Seniors, The Hon. Jeanne Atherden JP, MP, comments: “Bermuda relies 100% on local, voluntary donations so it is heartening to see our businesses supporting this competition. I hope more sign up next year. It helps build morale and camaraderie as employees donate, but more than that, it saves lives. Organisations can make a huge impact in the community, just by encouraging and supporting their employees’ decision to donate. I especially urge more people under the age of 25 to donate…it only takes half an hour but your donation can improve or save someone’s life.”

Dr. Clyde Wilson, BHB Chief of Pathology comments: “We would like to thank all the companies who were involved in the Corporate Blood Drive 2015/16. Their support and encouragement is so important. It could be any one of us whose life needs saving or healing. A complication in childbirth or surgery, an accident, or an illness such as cancer. There are so many people a blood donor helps and organisations who support their employee donors demonstrate great community commitment. It couldn’t be easier for company sign up for the 2016/17 competition – just call or email the Blood Donor Centre at or 236-5067 and we’ll send you the form.”

Superintendent James Howard, Bermuda Police Service, comments: “”We are very pleased to win the Corporate Blood Drive 2015/16 and proud of our staff and their families who put the lives of those in our community first by giving blood. The police see many of the victims of accidents and violence whose lives are eventually saved by blood transfusions as part of our work. But on any given day it could also be one of our family members, friends, colleagues or even ourselves who may need that life-saving transfusion. We were very proud and motivated to take part in the competition and we are encouraging other organizations to sign up next year to push it even higher.”


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