BHB Achieves ‘Exemplary Standing’ As New Accreditation Decision Level

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) today announced that, under Accreditation Canada’s newly introduced accreditation decision levels, it has been awarded “Accredited with Exemplary Standing” based on the results of its 2011 survey. This is the highest possible level of accreditation.

The new decision levels came into effect on 1 January 2012 and BHB’s new decision level has been recalculated based on its 2011 survey results. The possible levels are:
• Accredited with Exemplary Standing
• Accedited with Commendation
• Accredited
• Not Accredited

Minister of Health, the Hon. Zane DeSilva, JP MP, comments: “I am very proud that our only hospital has been awarded the very highest level of accreditation. To get this result after a rigorous survey by an internationally recognized accrediting body requires BHB to demonstrate patient safety in all it does. We might have two years to wait for a new facility, but it is very encouraging that hospital operations are already providing a service whose quality is on a par with the best in Canada.”

Chairman of BHB, Mr Wendall Brown, comments: “The Board’s bar is set exceedingly high when it comes to quality. We knew we had achieved a high level of accreditation based on the old system, but it is reassuring to know that we are truly up there with the best Canada has. I would like to congratulate staff, management and Board members, especially those who sit on the BHB’s Governance Committee, for their dedication to constantly driving improvements through the organization from Board-level through to the patient bedside.”

“Given that there are now four levels of accreditation, we were excited to be awarded the highest,” comments Venetta Symonds, CEO of BHB. “People may not see the hard work that goes on every day to ensure that we meet international standards of quality and patient safety. It is a constant focus in all we do, from surgical checklists in the operating rooms, to barcoded medication checks at the bedside, from pressure ulcer prevention programmes, to avoiding the use of abbreviations on medical records that could be misunderstood. Importantly, standards change regularly in response to the latest evidence and best practices, so quality improvement is not a destination, but a journey that requires constant time and investment. Our challenge now is therefore to ensure we maintain that top level every day and in future surveys.”


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