BHB Corporate & Clinical Governance Report Released

Bermuda Hospitals Board today made the Corporate & Clinical Governance Review (“the Review”) available to the public on its website, with hard copies available to review in the Health Sciences Library at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH). This is following the Minister of Health & Seniors tabling the report in the House of Assembly this morning.

The report can be found at The Health Science Library is on the Ground Floor of KEMH, next to the Gift Shop in the lobby. The Ombudsman of Bermuda also tabled her commentary regarding the Review in the House today. Her report and the draft it is based on can be found at

Chairman of the Board, Mr Jonathan Brewin, comments: “I am very pleased that we are able to make this Review available to the public along with the Minister’s addendum. Activity has already started at BHB under the current Board, which first met in January 2013. A new committee structure has been implemented that focuses board attention on clinical governance, finance, capital projects, human resources and stakeholder relations. Additionally, detailed metrics in these areas are being reported regularly to the Board and as we move forward the Board is committed to reporting regularly to the public on this data. We have also begun the process of winding down the wholly owned subsidiary, Healthcare Partners Limited (HPL) and new Directors have been appointed to ensure this is done in line with good governance and due process. Another focus will be the Hospitalist Service, which will be reviewed with the input of community physicians. A clinical service strategic planning process has started, which will take about 4 to 6 months and work is underway to provide complete clarity on BHB’s financial challenges and potential solutions. We are working hard to remain accountable, transparent and open to queries and feedback via the email ”

CEO, Venetta Symonds, comments: “Shortly after being appointed CEO in April last year, we responded to concerns regarding the governance, accountability and transparency of BHB with the initiation of this Review. It is the first time a report of this nature has been undertaken, and the first time that the Ombudsman of Bermuda has been involved in this way. It has been a complex process and I would like to thank the many, many individuals and groups who spent time with Howard Associates as information and perceptions were gathered. I would also like to thank the Ombudsman for her oversight and critiques. A number of changes have already taken place, including the appointment of a new Chief of Staff, Dr Michael Weitekamp, who was appointed using an improved, robust recruitment process. While a restructure of this office started under the Interim Chief of Staff, Dr Victor Scott, to ensure accountability and strengthened management of the office, Dr Weitekamp will continue this work and will work to focus medical leadership at the hospital on quality and accountability in various ways, including peer review. Additionally, a professional review of physician compensation has taken place and is being used to establish fairer, more equitable compensation for this vital group. I look forward to keeping the community updated on our progress.”

Attachment 1: Corporate & Clinical Governance Review

Attachment 2: Addendum to the Minister


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