CCU patients have a new home in KEMH

Residents of the Continuing Care Unit (CCU) have a new home in the renovated Cooper-CCU and Perry-CCU wards. Residents had to be evacuated from the upper level of the former CCU building during Hurricane Gonzalo when heavy winds and rain created severe damage to the unit. All patients were safely relocated in the former Emergency Department at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) and had been there until the move to their newly renovated locale on the 4th floor of KEMH General Wing last week.
Residents housed on the lower level of the former CCU yesterday safely moved to their new rooms, in Perry-CCU also on the 4th floor of KEMH General Wing.
In total, 58 patients were relocated, 28 to Cooper-CCU and 30 to Perry-CCU. “The moves were carefully planned and flawlessly executed,” said Granville Russell, Clinical Director for the area. “We had determined exactly where we needed everything to be to make the wards suitable for our residents and we meticulously planned how the moves would take place. Both were great team efforts.”
Michael Nisbett, Clinical Manager of Cooper-CCU Ward said patients were calm, happy and had adjusted well to the move. “Actually it’s the families of patients who have shown the most excitement of our new home. Many have been in to visit with their relatives and we’ve had loads of positive comments on how bright and airy, it is here. It’s fresh and new and much improved. Everyone- including staff, is happy.”
“All staff worked hard to ensure the move was safe and as seamless as possible,” said Clinical Manager of Perry-CCU Eshe Coleman.
Bermuda Hospitals Board CEO Venetta Symonds said: “I’ve visited the wards and met with patients and staff. Everyone is upbeat and settling in to the new environment well.
The new wards are a much needed improvement over the former facility and will help ensure residents are afforded the best care possible. Thank you to all involved: our residents, their families as well as BHB clinical and service support teams.


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