Hospital EMTs Celebrate Emergency Medical Services Week

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital (KEMH) will mark Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week beginning 21 May at City Hall. They will be joined by representatives from the Police and Fire Departments and St. John’s Ambulance in hosting an Open House between 10:00am to 2:00pm. Members of the public are invited to meet first responders and view emergency vehicles from the hospital, fire service and police department.

Venetta Symonds, Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) CEO said: “Emergency Medical Services teams save lives in Bermuda every day. They are a vital public service and provide emergency care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you have a medical emergency and pick up the phone to call 911, these are the people who are first on the scene to help. During this week we want the community to get to know the people who are ready around the clock to save their lives and to understand the demands, rewards and challenges of this kind of work.”

Dr. Roslyn Bascombe-Adams, BHB Director of Emergency Services, said: “This week gives us a chance to honour the hard-working emergency providers who look after us and are ready to save our lives day in and day out. EMS team members are heroes every day, No matter what the situation, they go out into the field, triage and treat where they can, then bring people safely back to our Emergency Department. Bermuda Hospitals Board is proud to recognize these first responders for going above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis to care for members of the public.”

Walter Brangman, BHB Chief EMT said: “Our community should feel confident that hospital EMTs receive the best training and update their skills regularly in order to remain current with international best practices. Twenty-five EMTs are employed at KEMH- 12 have achieved EMT-Intermediate level and are qualified to administer medications and insert intravenous access. BHB has a fleet of recently upgraded ambulances that feature the latest technology and design, while maintaining a small size to navigate Bermuda’s narrow roads. Our EMTs work closely with Emergency Department staff, as well as with fire and police team members and respond to an average of 5000 calls each year.”

Hospital EMTs will visit secondary schools during morning assemblies next week and have invited primary and secondary school children to visit the hospital to meet with EMTs and take a tour of emergency vehicles. Community members are encouraged to stop by King Edward VII Memorial Hospital all next week to view a lobby display and information table.


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