Hospital Staff Respond to Call for Blood Donations

An overwhelming outpouring of support was demonstrated by Bermuda Hospitals Board staff yesterday, after the Red Cross Blood Donor Centre issued an emergency appeal for blood, following a road traffic accident. By afternoon, the Red Cross was pleased to report hospital staff had responded quickly and in large numbers. Sufficient supplies were collected to meet the emergency need. The Centre even managed to increase their donor enrolment.

Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Joan Dillas-Wright was very pleased to see the swift action of hospital employees. In a message sent to all staff, Mrs. Dillas-Wright said, “Your actions speak highly of the genuine dedication and commitment you bring to your jobs. We are proud of our generous, caring and concerned staff.”

Chief of Pathology, Dr. Kered James was also impressed by hospital employee’s sincere interest in helping. “The actions of our staff today truly reflect our mission statement: We are a committed team of professionals working in partnership with patients, their families and clients to provide high quality health care services that meet their needs and expectations.”

The Red Cross Donor Centre was grateful for such a speedy response. “We thank hospital staff and applaud their compassion and commitment,” said Ms. Fiona Barber, nursing coordinator of the Centre.

Members of the community interested in becoming blood donors should call the Centre at 236-5067. “We never know what the demand will be, as we assess our supply daily,” explained Ms. Barber.


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