Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda Funds New 64-slice CT Scanner

Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) is pleased to announce the Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (HAB) allocated $500,000 in 2008 toward the purchase of a new 64-slice CT scanner. The first payment of $129,360 was provided to BHB this month.

The scanner, which has four times as many detectors as a typical single slice CT scanner, combines unequaled image quality with remarkable speed. It can produce detailed pictures of any organ in a few seconds and provides sharp, clear, three-dimensional images, including views of blood vessels, in an instant.

Introduction of the 64-slice CT scanner will extend over the 2009/10 fiscal year, as it will require renovations in the CT area, along with installation of a digital image archiving system, needed to manage the vast number of images produced by the new equipment.

“Our current 8-slice CT scanner is fine for most applications,” explained Renee Butterfield, Manager of the Diagnostic Imaging Department. “However, the 64-slice scanner will produce precise diagnostic pictures within five to 10 seconds, enabling us to “freeze” motion and better define certain disease processes. This will allow us to expand on current services, such a cardiac angio (CT scan of the heart).”

Ms. Venetta Symonds, BHB Deputy CEO, said, “The hospital highly values HAB’s support. These funds, allocated for the purchase of CT equipment, will help us deliver quality patient care. The HAB has been a long-serving and generous donor, not only providing the hospitals with financial support, but also providing thousands of hours of service each year through their volunteers.”

HAB volunteers assist staff and patients on the wards, at the front desk, in the pharmacy and in other areas at both hospitals. In addition, by operating three retail businesses, the Barn, Pink Café and Gift Shop, the HAB raises hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to purchase equipment for BHB. Almost 40,000 hours of service were logged in 2008 by HAB volunteers at the hospitals and the Barn.

“Our volunteers are extremely committed to supporting the hospitals,” said HAB President, Liz Titterton. “Thanks to their dedication and hard work, we are pleased to donate funds that will go toward the purchase of new CT equipment. We always need new volunteers, however, and would ask anyone who is interested to contact us.”

“The HAB has given us tremendous support over the years,” added Ms. Symonds. “Their important contributions are felt strongly throughout the hospitals.”

Each year, the HAB donates more than 40,000 hours of service to the BHB. It has contributed millions of dollars in support of the hospitals since its inception in 1953. The HAB is in need of volunteers so that it may keep fulfilling its important mandate. Students 14 years of age or older and adults interested in volunteering for the HAB may contact the Volunteer Coordinator 441-236-2488.


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