Hurricane Joaquin babies at KEMH

Bermuda Hospitals Board is pleased to announce the birth of two babies born yesterday during the storm conditions of Hurricane Joaquin. Roman Ledyaev and London Rose Williams.
Roman Ledyaev came at 9:04pm during the height of the blustery weather. His mother Sabrina Ledyaev said she started having contractions on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday morning decided to check into King Edward VII Memorial Hospital’s Maternity Ward.
“I decided with the storm coming and with the contractions coming about 10 to 15 minutes apart that I would come to the hospital,” she said. Her husband Dmitry said although they lived nearby in Warwick, he thought it was the best thing to do as well.
The couple checked into Maternity Ward at about 11am. “The staff have been really good to us and certainly made me feel a lot safer than I would have felt at home,” she said. “In fact I felt perfectly safe and didn’t think about the storm at all. I was concentrating on the baby,” she added.
Roman was the couple’s first child and Dmitry said he wasn’t at all worried when Sabrina went into labour as the storm was approaching.
“We told our landlord we may have to go to the hospital and he said that was fine and he’d check on the house for us and make the necessary arrangements. We are grateful to him for that.”
The couple is without electricity at the moment but expect it will be restored by the time baby Roman has to be taken home.
London Rose also arrived yesterday afternoon at 2:34pm. Her mother Queenie Williams didn’t check into Maternity Ward as a precaution with the storm approaching because, she said: “I didn’t want to waste anybody’s time”.
“Oh no. I was having contractions. I waited as long as I could before coming in. I didn’t want it to be a false alarm. I didn’t want to waste anybody’s time. I wanted to be sure the baby was really coming,” she said.
The first time mother said she and her husband Carlton were very happy with London Rose’s birth. Proud grandmothers Queenae Joell and Burnella Williams were on hand with Queenie much of today.


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