Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre one month closure for renovation

Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre18 January 2017: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) Bermuda Hospitals Board today notifies the community that it is replacing the vinyl flooring in the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre (UCC). The UCC will be temporarily closed after Thursday 19 January 2017, and it is expected to reopen for business as usual in mid-February.

Marshall Minors, VP Facilities Management & Estates, comments: “We alerted the public last year that we would temporarily close the UCC for this floor replacement work as well as other minor repairs and upgrades to the physical plant. We are committed to providing an ongoing urgent care service from the UCC facility and this work will ensure the building is safe to deliver care for our patients in the long term.

“We apologise for the inconvenience of the closure, but as anyone who has visited the facility in recent months can attest, the flooring needs to be completely replaced. We wanted to undertake this work outside of the hurricane season, and well ahead of the America’s Cup events and peak summer tourist months. We look forward to reopening the UCC in February and we will update the community once the work is complete.”

While the UCC is closed, some UCC staff have been reassigned to the Emergency Department at KEMH to manage the likely increased traffic. The public are reminded to use the Emergency Department service wisely and visit their GP if their situation is not urgent.

Notes to Editors
The Bermuda Hospitals Board is a quango (quasi autonomous non-governmental organisation) established under the Bermuda Hospitals Board Act, 1970. It has a Bermuda Government-approved Board and a Chief Executive Officer, responsible for King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute. At the heart of both organisations is high quality care to all patients.

With approximately 1,700 employees, the Bermuda Hospitals Board is Bermuda’s second largest employer. King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute are the only healthcare organisations in Bermuda accredited by Accreditation Canada, an independent organisation whose role is to help hospitals examine and improve the quality of care and service they provide to their clients. In addition to providing an extensive list of services for the community, the Bermuda Hospitals Board is part of a referral network that includes some of the world’s leading specialist hospitals.

For more information, please visit or contact the Bermuda Hospitals Board Public Relations Department at


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