‘Name the Crane’ Contest Winner Wins a Special VIP Visit to the KEMH Redevelopment Project Construction Site

The winner of the ‘Name The Crane’ Contest, 12 year old Isaiah Smith of Dellwood Middle School, visited the KEMH Redevelopment Project construction site today long with 15 of his schoolmates.

Isaiah came up with the name ‘Craneiom’ as part of the contest organized by Paget Health Services, the private partner of Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) for the new hospital facility. Isaiah won a special VIP tour of the site for himself and his class.

“Craneiom” is 155 feet tall, has a capacity of 6 tons and has a jib (arm) 150 feet long.

The second crane is 146 feet tall, has a capacity of 12 tons and a jib radius of 135 feet. This crane has been named “Curtis” in memory of a BCM MCAlpine employee.

The cranes withstand sustained winds of 130 mph. When not in use, the jib is designed to swing with the wind instead of being rigidly set against its force.

Both electricity-powered cranes were erected and tested by local teams under the supervision of the UK based certifier and are operated by experienced local drivers.


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