PEARL Go-Live Milestone Celebrated

Saturday 29 October 2022: BHB’s CEO & President, Michael Richmond, provides this update on the go-live over the new electronic medical record, PEARL (Patient Electronic & Administrative Records Log) that took place overnight:

“I’m happy to state that BHB’s new electronic medical records system, called PEARL, is now being used across BHB in inpatient units and Emergency, at KEMH and MWI, including group homes. We are on target for the outpatient clinics to start using PEARL when they open on Monday 31 October. The system went live just after midnight and we had a very busy night with staff across MWI and KEMH working hard to input and validate data. As is expected with a new system of this complexity, we’ve had issues to address through the day, but the response by staff has been magnificent. PEARL is live and for the first time in BHB’s history, we have a BHB-wide electronic medical record. While our staff members are going to be a bit slower in these first few days as they get used to PEARL, we have multiple supports in place as they put their training and preparations into practice. Today is a milestone day in the delivery of care BHB and we are all looking forward to the benefits having an electronic medical record are going to bring to safety, quality and efficiency at BHB. I’m incredibly proud of what our staff have achieved – they have been at the forefront of this major change and have gone above and beyond the call of duty to make it happen. As we get through this adjustment period, it is something that Bermuda is going to be proud of too.”


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