Premier Visits Site of New Hospital Facility

The Premier of Bermuda, the Hon. Dr Ewart Brown MPJP and the Minister of Health, the Hon. Walter Roban JP MP toured the site of the new hospital and the current construction of the electrical substation and car park at the junction of Berry Hill Road and Point Finger Road. They are being built by BHB to replace the existing substation and parking spaces that will be lost when the construction of the new facility starts at the turn of the year.

The Premier and Minister of Health were taken on the tour by Bermuda Hospitals Board Chairman Herman Tucker and Deputy Chairman Wendel Hollis.

The Premier commented:

“Improving the standard of healthcare for the people of Bermuda has been one of the major goals of this government. From providing access to quality affordable healthcare for seniors through FutureCare; to restoring dignity to those with the need, but not the means through access to the same health benefits we all enjoy; To guaranteeing access to emergency medical services in the east end through the introduction of the Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre, designed and constructed on time and on budget; much has been accomplished.

“Of all our accomplishments, I am particularly proud of the progress that has been made at the Hospital. Under the leadership of the Bermuda Hospitals Board we have witnessed a rise in standards, an improvement in service and a renewed confidence in not just the facility, but in the men in women who work tirelessly within its walls to protect and preserve the health and lives of our people.

“We have seen at the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital an expansion of our relationship with leading East coast hospitals, giving our people access to a wider range of specialists, improved cancer care and in one of our most significant technological advances access to the RP7 Robot! A device that has enhanced the way we care for our patients by offering the option of being examined by overseas consultants without the patient having to travel abroad.

“Standing on the site of this new facility, looking at the design and knowing the players involved, I am confident that the future for healthcare in Bermuda and the future of the new hospital are in good hands. Our people deserve world class healthcare and a world class facility in which to receive it. With this new facility every Bermudian can expect that to be achieved.”

The Minister of Health congratulated the Board on its achievements, noting the amount of work that it required from Board members and staff at the hospital. He also thanked the Minister of Finance, the Hon. Paula Cox JP MP, and her Ministry for their support as the other co-sponsor of the KEMH Redevelopment project.

The Minister added: “I would also like to express thanks to all of the Ministries who comprised the Central Coordinating Committee. The first such formation by Government and has proven to be a model for how large projects might be handled through the Government process. It has helped ensure the Project has met all of its timelines to this point and remains in budget.”


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