Quarterly BHB Update – October 2013

Bermuda Hospitals Board today releases its quarterly update for the community. The Chairman, Mr Jonathan Brewin, released the information, with the following speech:

Thank you for attending today. Before I take questions, I just wanted to make a couple of comments regarding BHB’s current position.

My first point is that, despite the difficult challenges and decisions ahead, BHB is focused and able to provide a safe, high quality service. There are clearly financial challenges that are forcing us to look at what services we deliver, but the current environment is also proving to be a catalyst to modernize BHB. We are seeking new, more efficient ways of working and establishing the highest standards of modern Governance to better serve Bermuda’s needs. We are seeking to work more closely and collaboratively with our healthcare partners, including the Ministry, the Bermuda Health Council, community physicians, insurers and other providers. The entire healthcare system needs to be modernized alongside BHB in order to provide safe, high quality healthcare services that are sustainable and appropriately used.

We are grateful to the Department of Internal Audit for their review and I’m pleased to share a synopsis with you today. This is the last and the most detailed of several reports that have been undertaken over the last two years. We fully accept the findings. The recommendations, which are being implemented in full, will modernise and strengthen our internal controls. We will be reporting back to the Department of Internal Audit on our progress in December, so I can assure you there remains a high level of accountability.

We will face more difficult decisions ahead, and change is required both at BHB and within the overall healthcare system to provide a safe, high quality healthcare service that people can afford and trust.

BHB’s decision to cease providing services from Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre was given great thought, and much analysis. We recognize the benefit of a medical service in the East End when the causeway is down. But BHB’s provision of out of hours urgent care service was too costly when you analyze the numbers and kinds of cases that were being dealt with day to day. Not only does this expense drive up premiums for Bermudians, but BHB quite simply does not have the available funds to run this service at a loss. There is still opportunity, however, for Lamb Foggo to operate as a medical facility. Although BHB will not provide a service from this building, another provider might be interested, and we are open to discuss potential uses of the facility, including its role in national disasters and emergencies.

Attachment 1: Quarterly BHB Update – October 2013

Attachment 2: Lamb Foggo UCC Business Case Executive Summary


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