St. Brendan’s Hospital Granted “Centre of Learning” Status by World-Renowned City & Guilds

The Bermuda Hospitals Board today announced that St. Brendan’s Hospital (SBH) was recently granted approval to be a Centre of Learning for the City & Guilds, the leading awarding body in the United Kingdom that offers vocational qualifications recognised as the benchmark for workplace skills. The City & Guilds representatives awarded this status after surveying SBH from January 17 to January 21 at the request of the Learning Disability Programme.

“This is an important success for St. Brendan’s because it allows us to invest in our staff by providing a learning environment, which ultimately benefits our clients – and that’s the reason why we’re all here,” said Patrice Dill, Director of St. Brendan’s Hospital.

Initially, 28 staff will take the programme to obtain certification to care for learning disabled clients. The programme will commence on February 8, 2005 for a duration of 18 months. With its Centre of Learning status, SBH will also be able to participate in any other certification courses offered by City & Guilds.

In order to achieve this status, SBH had to demonstrate that it had:

– Sufficient qualified and experienced staff to act as assessors and verifiers
– Suitable accommodation for learning
– A training programme that meets the learning outcomes of the qualification
– Suitable policies on communication, access to learning and appeals

The substance abuse and mental health programmes at St. Brendan´s Hospital will be taking advantage of courses being offered through City & Guilds next.

“I congratulate St. Brendan’s on this important achievement, which showcases its commitment to continuous growth and improvement and to achieving the Bermuda Hospitals Board’s vision of being a Centre of Excellence,” said Joan Dillas-Wright, Chief Executive Officer of the Bermuda Hospitals Board.


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