Bacardi Wins Corporate Blood Drive 2017 Competition


14 June 2017: Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) and the Ministry of Health and Seniors today announce that Bacardi is the winner of the Corporate Blood Drive 2016/17.  This is the fourth Corporate Blood Drive that has taken place, and this annual competition between local companies had the highest ever number of competitors. Bacardi has been awarded the revolving trophy and a certificate to thank them for their commitment to saving lives and caring for those with therapeutic transfusion needs, such as sickle cell and cancer patients.

There were 423 blood donations as a result of the competition – 384 whole blood donations and 39 apherisis donations.  Of these, 79 were from Bacardi who contributed 18.7% of all donations of the competition.  New blood donor numbers rose by 195 in 2016, compared to 52 in 2015, in large part thanks to people signing up as part of this competition.

This year there were nineteen contestants: Appleby, Ariel Re, Argus, Artex, Bacardi, Bermuda Government Department of Corrections, Bermuda Government Department of Accountant General,  Bermuda Police Service, BF&M, Butterfield & Vallis, Estera, FIL Limited, Gosling, HSBC, Kitson Group of Companies, Marsh IAS Management Services (Bermuda) Ltd., Lancashire, the Royal Bermuda Regiment and XL Catlin.

Minister of Health and Seniors, The Hon. Jeanne Atherden JP, MP, comments: “It has been a very active competition this year and I would first like to congratulate Bacardi on a well-earned win.  They contributed nearly a fifth of all the donations, which is amazing. And thank you to all nineteen companies who participated.  You have contributed to an increased number of blood donors in Bermuda.  Your support of employees donating during work time and promoting the competition to them, and their families and friends has made a big difference this year. ”

Dr Clyde Wilson, BHB Chief of Pathology, comments: “Congratulations to Bacardi and thank you to all our competitors – the competition this year has been terrific as you can see from the impact it has had on increased donors and donations.  Bacardi fought hard, with internal promotions and six blood drives to encourage their staff, friends and families to donate. The 195 new blood donors helped bolster numbers, as other donors retired or moved away from Bermuda.  Total donors went up from 968 to 1095. So thank you for supporting this competition.  I can think of no better return on investment than more people in Bermuda donating blood and saving lives.

Dr Eyitayo Fakunle, Consultant Haematologist, comments: “Even with the new donors this year, we are keen to encourage more people to donate. The needs in our community are rising. The hospital has been working at capacity for much of this year and this resulted in the number of transfusions rising by 300 between 2015/16 when there were 1711 transfusions and 2016/17 when there were 2006 transfusions.  The need for blood transfusions goes up as people age and our community is getting older so we expect the numbers to keep going up.  882 or 43.8% of all transfusions were given to people over 64 in 2016. The need increases in line with age so we urge you to think of your parents and grandparents wellbeing, as well as your siblings, friends and children.  There is no greater gift you can give them than the gift of life and it couldn’t be easier for company sign up for the 2017/18 competition – just call or email the Blood Donor Centre at or 236-5067 and we’ll send you the form.”

Lisa Frias, Manager, Global Finance, Bacardi, led the Bacardi effort and comments: “We really decided to commit ourselves to the competition this year and our staff members are thrilled to have won. It has been a great team effort and we hope that we have thrown down the gauntlet for next year – we are certainly ready to win again!  Thank you to all our staff – achieving 18.3% of all donations in the competition shows how dedicated we are to this cause and it is in line with Bacardi’s value of caring.  Blood donation is incredibly important to saving lives and therapeutic treatments, and as a company we are very happy to be supporting our community in a tangible way. ”

Blood Transfusion usage by age:

Patient Ages 2014 2015 2016
<5 3 0 11
5-9 2 2 1
10-19 26 49 43
20-34 220 181 230
35-49 211 293 365
50-64 411 274 481
>64 757 753(48.5%) 882 (43.8%)


About Blood Donation

  • Bermuda uses about 35 to 45 units of blood per week (one unit is one donated pint of blood)
  • Most healthy people between 18 and 70, who weigh a minimum of 110lbs, can donate blood.
  • Globally, about 38% of donations are from people under 25. In Bermuda, only 4% of donors are under 25 years of age.
  • Globally about 6% of the population (or 45 people out every 1,000) donate. In Bermuda, less than 2% of the total population donates (about 17 out of every 1,000).
  • When you donate blood, one pint is taken which is then separated into different components.
  • Donors replenish the volume of blood donated within 24 hours and can safely donate blood once every three months.
  • To ensure a donor is healthy enough to give blood, donors are asked to fill out a questionnaire and their blood pressure and haemoglobin is checked.
  • The entire process, including pre-testing, donating and time for refreshments afterwards takes about half an hour.
  • Healthy blood is vital to us all. It has three major functions: to carry oxygen and nutrients to the body cells so they can create energy; to help defend the body against infections and injuries; and to remove waste products from the body cells.
  • The average adult contains 10 to 12 pints of blood, which contains many substances including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.


2025 (16)
2024 (49)
2023 (30)
2022 (58)
2021 (67)
2020 (66)
2019 (45)
2018 (35)
2017 (40)
2016 (47)
2015 (22)
2014 (45)
2013 (36)
2012 (37)
2011 (43)
2010 (44)
2009 (56)
2008 (31)
2007 (32)
2006 (39)
2005 (27)
2004 (23)

Notes to Editors
The Bermuda Hospitals Board is a quango (quasi autonomous non-governmental organisation) established under the Bermuda Hospitals Board Act, 1970. It has a Bermuda Government-approved Board and a Chief Executive Officer, responsible for King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute. At the heart of both organisations is high-quality care to all patients.

With approximately 1,700 employees, the Bermuda Hospitals Board is Bermuda's second largest employer. King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute are the only healthcare organisations in Bermuda accredited by Accreditation Canada, an independent organisation whose role is to help hospitals examine and improve the quality of care and service they provide to their clients. In addition to providing an extensive list of services for the community, the Bermuda Hospitals Board is part of a referral network that includes some of the world's leading specialist hospitals.

For more information, please visit or contact the Bermuda Hospitals Board Public Relations Department at